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Senior Year Realizations

Senior Year Realizations

Photo from Pexels by Gül Işık.

Emily Hokanson

It’s the most talked about year of high school: Senior Year. I never thought my four years of high school would be over so soon, but as it gets closer and closer to graduation I’ve noticed a lot of realizations I’ve had this past year.

1. It’s NOT the easiest year

Don’t freak out when I say this because I don’t mean the entire year. But for a lot of people, including myself, the first semester of senior year was one of the hardest semesters. Applying to college was one of the most stressful tasks I’ve ever had to complete. There was so much work that had to go into writing and editing essays, getting recommendation letters, and then having to apply for scholarships at the same time. Make sure to push through because it’s all worth it!

2. The stress was worth it

There was nothing easy about getting a high GPA in high school and until senior year it seemed worthless to me. But once you get accepted into the college you want or you receive scholarships, you quickly realize that without all that stress and hard work you put in, none of this would be possible. It’s incredibly validating to be able to finally see that your hard work paid off. 

3. Applying to scholarships is worth it

I used to be one of many people who thought applying to scholarships, even the local ones, was a waste of time. It’s NOT! Just submit your application. Even if you think your essay isn’t outstanding or you’re worried about not having enough extracurriculars. There was a scholarship I almost didn’t apply to, but I did, and ended up winning $4,000. You never know what’ll happen unless you try, so JUST DO IT. 

4. It goes by fast

I know, everyone and their mom says this, but seriously it goes by really fast. Not right away, but after January, once everyone’s begun making final decisions, it’s spring in the blink of an eye. I haven’t even begun to fathom that I only have one month left of school and then it’s completely over. 

5. Don’t be lazy

This is your last year to do clubs, sports, and anything you and your friends want to do. Don’t lose your opportunity to go out and have fun one last time. This year I ended up joining two new clubs I’d never been in and it was the best decision I could’ve made. It also may be one of the last times you and all your friends are together at the same time, don’t waste that time. You’ll regret it. 

6. Not EVERYONE gets senioritis 

I think this honestly depends on the person and what classes you have your senior year. Sometimes my motivation comes and goes, but for the most part it's been pretty consistent this year because of how manageable my class schedule is. But then again everyone has their senioritis moments and as we get closer to graduation mine is definitely starting to set in. But no matter what, make sure to keep decent grades because it’s very important that your transcript looks good when colleges review it at the end of the year. 

7. Second Semester = Destress

As you go through the second semester of senior year, you’ll begin to figure out what you’re doing after high school and have a solid plan. Once you’ve figured that out and committed to college or another opportunity there’s a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. There’s a lot less pressure when it comes to tests and classes in general because you’re not stressing out about getting perfect grades. You’ve made it and now you can enjoy that feeling. 

Senior Year is by far one of the most memorable years you’ll experience through high school. Enjoy it!

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