Relay For Life: What can you do?

Relay For Life: What can you do?

Photo is a screenshot of information for Hamilton’s Relay for life from this website:

Information in this article was adapted from a staff communication by Mrs. Draeger.

What is Relay?

Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature fundraising event worldwide. This year, one of the events is happening right here at Hamilton. This is an event for groups to come together, raise some money to fight cancer, and have a fun and inspirational night.

The Relay will take place from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. May 29th – May 30th!  Yes, it is ALL night! The overnight is symbolic of a cancer patient’s fight, but there is also a lot of food, activities, and entertainment during those 12 hours! There is even a little competition for HHS groups. 

Where do you come in?

Step 1:

Talk to your coaches or advisers at Hamilton to encourage these groups to form a team or form your own team. Encourage and invite family, friends, neighbors or anyone to join your team or form their own team.

Clubs or groups who are interested can see Communication Arts teacher Mrs. Misty Draeger in room E183 to pick up the folder with team registration/event information. Also, more information can be found in the following places: 

Step 2:

Encourage cancer survivors and caregivers to participate!  This event isn’t about just raising money for a cure; it is also about celebrating the survivors!  There are some great benefits for the survivors who attend too!

Step 3:

Volunteer—if you need hours for church, scouts, NHS, etc. the organizers will need your assistance!  Students can see Mrs. Draeger for more information about how to volunteer.

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