What You Need To Know for Thursday's Pep Assembly

What You Need To Know for Thursday's Pep Assembly

Thursday, February 27 bell schedule. Design by Dorie Palmer.

The pep assembly--originally created to bring together the student body and promote school spirit. A rallying of students to encourage, emphasize, and create school pride. 

There is an upcoming pep assembly this February 27, 2020, at Hamilton High School. It will be a new experience for Hamilton since the school has not yet had a winter pep assembly. It was proposed as an idea to celebrate winter and spring sports here at Hamilton. There will also be planned events and an acknowledgment of those who have high academic achievements. 

Matthew Lehner, the Junior Class President, comments on this upcoming pep rally in an interview with the Charger Press. “The winter pep assembly will be prioritizing a few main factors. One is recognizing winter and spring sports as well as academics, which is [often] ignored in school assemblies. I think what the school body can expect from this winter assembly is a higher emphasis on inclusiveness and to move forward throughout the year.” 

This new addition to Hamilton’s events would not have been possible without Hamilton High School Principal Rebecca Newcomer’s initiative. She states that the reason behind this assembly is because “there was input from students that they were interested in seeing more ‘fun’ activities at school.” 

Many students are looking forward to this winter’s assembly because it will include more of the student body. Mrs. Newcomer states that this “pep rally [is] to recognize students involved in activities and athletics in the winter season.”  

“30+ is an amazing accomplishment and we need to celebrate and recognize those achievements.”

-Mrs. Newcomer

In addition to recognizing students on the high honor roll, this year’s assembly will highlight those who have received a 30 or higher on the ACT, which has been named the 30+ Club. Mrs. Newcomer states, “30+ is an amazing accomplishment and we need to celebrate and recognize those achievements.” 

This public recognition of ACT scores, however, has sparked some discussion from the students. Emily Berger, a senior who scored in the 30 plus range on the ACT, states, “While I deeply appreciate the high school’s attempt to recognize high achievers, I am unsure if this is the best way to do so while also considering the feelings of the student body who did not earn above a 30.” 

On the other hand, other students like Lehner believe “Those [who] have gotten a 30 or higher on the ACT deserve recognition because they are obviously really smart.” Lehner, however, qualifies this by saying, “But those who have also tried really hard should have recognition too.” 

Additionally, this recent pep rally will feature a student versus staff basketball game, intended to entertain the entire school. There will be multiple teams from each grade that will play against staff on a “5v5” format. Each game will be composed of six-minute quarters and during each break, there will be some form of entertainment presented by Hamilton’s clubs. This will include a performance from the Hamilton High School Cheer Team as well as Hamilton’s a capella group, the Hamiltones. The interactive basketball game and activities are intended to foster greater school spirit. 

Many of the juniors were quick to comment on how they were going to beat the staff at this year's winter assembly. Aidan Enneking, a junior at Hamilton High, states he’s “excited to show up the teachers.” 

“…None of [the] students on the teams scare me.”

-Mr. Seeley

Hamilton Physical Education teacher Mr. Justin Seeley, responds, saying, “I know the teachers will dominate and none of [the] students on the teams scare me.” 

Mr. Nick Roth, a Social Studies teacher playing on the staff team, says he can’t wait “to see Mr. [Michael] Tennessen block every shot.” Thursday’s pep assembly will determine how all this talk plays out on the court.

In addition to all the activities that will take place, there will also be a Miracle Minute. For exactly one minute, the entire school will see how quickly it can donate any loose change for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The proceeds will be split in half and distributed between Hamilton’s two front runners for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society student of the year.  Students are encouraged to bring change or cash to the rally to participate. 

As student excitement for the pep rally builds this week, Mrs. Newcomer believes that a school “sometimes just needs to have fun” in order to come together and connect as a whole. “I hope this gathering will address those things…recognition, celebration, and school spirit.”

Lehner adds, “If you look at other high schools, they tend to have multiple pep assemblies, whereas we only have had one in the past. I think this pep assembly will bring the school together by having expanded the recognition that will be received. Overall, it will be a good tradition to carry on as Hamilton moves forward towards the future.” 

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