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Pop Tab Collection!

Pop Tab Collection!

Photo submitted by Nina Wolff.

Nina Wolff

The Ronald McDonald House needs your help collecting pop tabs! The first Ronald McDonald House was created in Philadelphia in 1974. Philadelphia Eagles football player Fred Hill spent three years in and out of hospitals to support his daughter who was being treated for leukemia. After learning that many families traveled for their children to receive medical support but couldn’t afford hotel rooms, Hill knew he had to help. Hill, Jim Murray, the Eagles’ general manager, Dr. Evans, a doctor at the hospital, and the local McDonald’s advertising agency raised enough money to purchase the first Ronald McDonald House near St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. This Ronald McDonald House provides a free home for families with children being treated at the nearby hospital. There are now more than 375 houses around the world.

Wawautosa’s own Ronald McDonald House opened in 1984. It is located across the street from Children’s Wisconsin. The house is run by Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC), a nonprofit organization. While the cost is about $115 per night, families do not have to pay. This shows how vital donations and volunteers are to RMHC. Through the community's help, the Ronald McDonal House in Wauwatosa has been able to expand three times. The building now has 84 guest rooms, 6 kitchens, and many common spaces for families.

One of the main ways RMHC raises money is through pop tab drives. Pop tabs are easy to collect and are made up of high quality aluminum. One pound of pop tabs recycled by RMHC raises about 50 cents. While this may not seem like much, pop tab drives bring in between $5,000-$6,000 each year for our local Ronald McDonald House.

Help RMHC by participating in the pop tab drive at Hamilton! Donate pop tabs in the Charger Corner and band room before May 19!

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