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Mental Health Tips: Have Some Fun Coloring

Mental Health Tips: Have Some Fun Coloring

Picture from Pexels by Pixabay

Evan Rosenau

It’s spooky season! And as we are settling into our new school year with new classes and new teachers, the anxiety of school can start returning to us all.  So this week, we’re doing some coloring. It may not be something you’d normally do, but nonetheless, it can help!

Coloring can distract your mind from stressors, calm down your brain, and promote mindfulness. Revisiting your happiest moments simply adds some joy and gives you some motivation to get started. Coloring can even improve your sleep as a calming activity before bed! For the best results, pick a more complicated and geometric design, as it gets your brain to focus just that much more. If you need help finding a place to start, check out

Try not to be hard on yourself, don’t set any expectations, and just go in with an open mind ready to have fun. If your mind wanders, try to redirect yourself to the moment, and practice being mindful. Mindfulness is the whole point of this exercise, simply forcing your brain to direct focus to the task at hand.  

So be creative with it! There’s no wrong way to color! Forget the lines, and have some fun! Maybe even revisit some of your favorite Halloween costumes or spooky season moments! 

Have a great week from us at Charger Press!

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