NBA Updates 6: The Game

NBA Updates 6: The Game

Adu Reghuram

From players dribbling their first basketball to getting their well-deserved hat on draft night, the journeys that are held beneath these incredibly talented players are quite formidable. These players had to overcome many challenges in order to succeed and be a part of the 3% (Chances of getting into the NBA). Players such as Jimmy Butler and Lebron James experienced loss and hatred but overcame abnormalities and indifferences; They still managed to be heavily influential talents in the NBA. The NBA isn't just an exhibition of skill; It is a combination that derives from discipline, willpower, determination, trust, etc. Not all players grew up with wealth. Not all players had relatives who had been part of the NBA. There are many stories that have been an inspiration for basketball fans around the world. These stories proved that basketball isn't just a “sport”. Although it is a sport, it gives us meaning and a special sensation that sparks motivation when you analyze the personality of the sport. Motivation is not permanent; NBA players in their youth could not rely on motivation. Like I said before, they used discipline. Some NBA players had to use more willpower and determination to accomplish their goals than others because they were not as talented or lacked resources. Friends, coaching staff, and even family were not always around for them. They did not have anyone to tell them to wake up in the morning or provide emotional support when they needed it. These stories can get quite interesting and deep, let's look at one of the stories that involve Jimmy Butler. His story is nothing but inspiring to the youth. 

Story Time!

Jimmy Butler  

Jimmy Butler was raised in a tiny village outside the outskirts of Houston. Unfortunately, Jimmy Butler grew up without a father. He was left with only a mother. What can a mother do to raise a child with little money and no father? Can she still nourish and support a child with only one back? Can she still love the child with a passion? Can she still raise a kid who will grow up to be a multi-millionaire athlete and shape him into the man he is today? At this point, you may be thinking that his mom was a big factor in his success. Unfortunately, this is not the case. At only the age of 13, his mom left him with one message, “I don't like the look of you, you gotta go.” Ladies and gentlemen, What does a child do when his/her own mother says this? A 13-year-old Jimmy Butler was left with no family, no shelter, and most importantly no love. For years, Butler bounced around from different houses just to get a bed to sleep in at night. After his senior year, a family that already had seven kids took him in. Years later, Jimmy had to say this about them, “They accepted me into their family, and it wasn’t because of basketball.” After this, Jimmy Butler went from being an unknown high school player to playing basketball at our very own the University of Marquette to finally becoming an NBA draft pick that won NBA's most improved player. Out of all the stories, Jimmy's story left a mark on all of our shoulders. The power of underestimation and doubtfulness can get the best of us. Thanksgiving has ended already, but let's be thankful for what we have. 

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the NBA weekly updates articles. As I talked about earlier, NBA players are willing to sacrifice just to meet expectations and goals. How does this carry over into the NBA? Many NBA players still work as hard as they can to maintain physical shape and skill while others let fame get to them. This week, we will be going over Ja Morant’s case regarding officials, Lebron James officially passing Magic Johnson for all-time assists, and NBA must-watch games for this week.
Ja Morant Fined For Confronting Official

As I said before, NBA players are willing to go through stigma and stereotypes if it means playing one minute for an NBA team. Does this change when they reach a high social status? Superstar Ja Morant has been fined $35,000 due to confronting and directing inappropriate language toward a game official and failing to leave the court in a timely manner. If we analyze Ja Morant's childhood story, we can see key factors to his success such as training in his backyard with his father. He often faced older opponents which led his mom to say, “I’m not worried about the big kids.” Although he had a supportive family and enough resources, he still managed to push through adversities. Being disciplined means following rules still. This was not present in last Wednesday's game as he got ejected and still continued with his inexcusable behavior. Although NBA players have some sort of expectation here and there, we must remember they are human too. 

Lebron James Passes Magic For 6th All-Time In Assists 

Lebron James has been giving a show his whole career. It is proven that he has mastered every essential skill in order to be considered one of the greats. Lebron James is a key example of showing determination. He didn't let age defy his profession as he pushed through adversity and showed the media what he has left inside of him. Lebron James overtook Los Angeles Lakers legend Magic Johnson for sixth place on the NBA’s all-time assists list on Friday against the Milwaukee bucks. James had this to say, “The way Magic approached the game, it was infectious. His teammates loved playing with him because of the joy he played with and the ability to pass the ball and get other guys involved. James has been playing phenomenally during the regular season this year, can this carry into the playoffs so the Lakers can get another championship? 

NBA Must-Watch Matchups

Boston Celtics v Toronto Raptors - 12/5/22 

Phoenix Suns v Dallas Mavericks - 12/5/22

Cleveland Cavaliers v LA Lakers - 12/6/22

Dallas Mavericks v Denver Nuggets - 12/6/22

Boston Celtics v Phoenix Suns - 12/7/22

LA Clippers v Miami heat - 12/8/22

LA Lakers v Philadelphia 76ers - 12/9/22 

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