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December Athlete of the Month: Luther Smith Jr.

December Athlete of the Month: Luther Smith Jr.

Photo by Roberta Pratt

Rachel Rank

December athlete of the month is Luther Smith Jr. He has been on varsity basketball since freshman year and contributed to one of the most successful high school teams of all time. Following the footsteps of great leaders Lucas Finnessy, Carson Smith, JT Hoytink, and Patrick Baldwin, he grew to become one of the best leaders on and off the court, making everyone feel special in the program.

Being a team captain holds a lot of responsibility. Keeping the team in check and talking during team huddles can seem overwhelming, but not for Smith. Watching the boys basketball team, I can tell how many of the younger players on freshman and junior varsity look up to Smith, seeing a true team leader and later following his footsteps to being a leader as well. 

Coach Cerroni, Smith's high school varsity basketball coach stated, “Luther is a very special player, but what he does best is he brings out the best in everyone else around him. He is so positive and trusts his teammates so much. They play at a higher level because of that trust.” From what I can tell, he is a very selfless player and creates endless bonds with his teammates. Smith will always demonstrate good sportsmanship on the court while maintaining a calm mindset. Hyping up and challenging his teammates on a daily basis, he truly is leaving his mark on boys basketball and shows the qualities of a good team leader. 

From night practices to early morning ones, school can create obstacles for all high school sports athletes. Finding the time to complete homework or study can be extremely difficult. Smith has proven that he can manage his time well while keeping up with schoolwork and his important studies. Mrs. Schneider, Smith's former teacher, stated, “Luther is seriously one of the most respectful students I have had. He is so kind-hearted and takes care of his business by showing the willingness to want to get things done by either staying after school or asking questions. There is not a teacher who does not love Luther. He is an underestimated basketball player who will accomplish great things. Any college that gets the joy of having him is extremely lucky.”

Building up muscle and endurance, you can find Smith in the gym or weight room. He spends endless hours perfecting his form and making sure he is in the best shape possible for the basketball season. “Luther is one of the most respectful students that I have had in my years of teaching. He is also very down to earth, approachable, and always smiling.” Seely explained, “Everyone enjoys having him around.” Hard Work and persistence are skills every athlete should acquire. However, Luther goes above and beyond in every aspect and sets the standard very high for all of the basketball players at Hamilton. 

After interviewing and hearing everyone's thoughts about Smith, I can tell he is a well-liked guy who found his passion for basketball! He is disciplined, dedicated, and unstoppable. That being said, the boys basketball season just started, so make an effort to watch one of their games! 

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