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Meet Your HHS Student Council Class Officers

Meet Your HHS Student Council Class Officers

Photo from Peyton Impola of the Homecoming Queen and King, along with student council members. Members include (from left to right): Lauren Tennyson, Kory Schmidt, Dakota Goltz, Mya Suneja, Baljinder Singh, Aniha Nagammanavar, Kate Powell, and Peyton Impola.

Peyton Impola

It’s likely that you’ve participated in a class fundraiser sometime throughout your high school experience. You probably know that these fundraisers are funding Prom and Senior Ball for your class. But do you know the people behind those fundraisers? Class fundraisers-along with other events and activities-are the responsibility of your class officer. Class officers are responsible for attending Student Council meetings on behalf of their class in order to act as a voice and representative of their class. It is also up to them to organize and oversee fundraising activities for the class with help from the class advisor. The most obvious duty is the planning of both Prom and Senior Ball. The class officers also assist in selecting a senior gift to the school. 

The senior class officers are Leah Balsbaugh, class president, and Baljinder Singh, class vice president. Leah has been a student council member for six years, and her favorite part of student council is meeting new people that she wouldn't otherwise. Baljinder has been a part of student council for three years and his favorite part of council is the ability to meet new people and use social skills in concurrence with teamwork. 

The junior class president is Kory Schmidt, and the class vice president is Caelin Ungerer. Kory is in her second year of student council and greatly enjoys being able to get involved with school events. Caelin is in her first year of council service and so far her favorite aspect is planning fun events for the school. 

Dakota Goltz and Sriya Gannapureddy serve as the sophomore class president and vice president respectively. Dakota is in her third year of student council service and Sriya is in her first. Dakota’s favorite part of student council is the people she has been able to meet, and Syria loves contributing to fun projects and activities. 

The leaders responsible for the freshman class are Suhruth Sribhasyam, class president, and Grace Xue, class vice president. Suhruth has been a member of student council for three years, while Grace is in her first year of service. Grace’s favorite part of being on student council is being able to make school a fun experience for all. 

Remember Hamilton–your class officers are there to serve you. If you ever have issues or ideas concerning your class don’t hesitate to reach out! It is their pleasure and responsibility to represent you in student council! Class officer elections take place in May, along with executive board elections, so keep an eye and ear out for information pertaining to voting. 

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