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Just One More Article (I Promise, It’ll Help)

Just One More Article (I Promise, It’ll Help)

Photo from Pexels by Huỳnh Đạt

Evan Rosenau

A distraction. Sometimes it is all we need to make our week a little better. One of the best ways, which sometimes gets lost in school, is reading. Surprisingly, if you can find a book that you enjoy, your stress levels may be reduced by almost 60%. Your heart rate may decrease, your muscles loosen and your state of mind may be altered.

Not only can reading impact your mental health, but it can also impact how you interact with the world. Reading helps develop empathy. As you read the perspectives of others, from their point of view, you can begin to understand those around you a little bit more. Interacting with others, and the world, in an entirely new way. 

Reading also prevents memory loss, a study found reading reduced the rate of mental decline by 32%. Although that may not happen until later in life, during high school we can gain insight into adulthood by reading. It can help us learn about personal values, mature relationships, and even our own identity. 

Even right now, reading Charger Press, you are helping your own mental health by simply taking this second to breathe. 

Try to look for a book you enjoy, a book you can relax to and get transported to somewhere larger than you. There are countless websites to find a good book, and you can always stop by the library. We hope this week you may find a new world for yourself, and keep enjoying our articles here at Charger Press.

Remember, you’re not alone, if you or anyone you know is experiencing a mental health emergency, contact the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 9-8-8. Or, if you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health issues, you can visit, Stress and Coping Resources, and reach out to a trusted adult at home or at school.

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