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Evan Rosenau

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Reading Essays Anxiety Sleep

We all worry. A lot. And for many people, those worries kick in right before bed. Lying there, peacefully thinking about your dream…something, and then you realize you forgot an assignment, which makes you remember you forgot to tell this person that, or that you had to do this. 

Long story short, falling asleep can be rough, and scientists have proven a large part of that is because of how fast our mind is going. 

However, there is hope. Researchers have found one of the most effective ways to calm ourselves down. 


I know, we do it all the time, and you might have even heard of some ways to calm yourself down using it. Square breathing, matching your heart rate to your breaths, the list goes on. 

But history itself found a very specific pattern to help us all fall asleep a little faster. In fact, this technique has roots in the ancient practice of pranayama, which, simply put, is the practice of breath regulation. 

So what actually is this technique? At its most basic, you breathe in for four beats, hold for seven, and breathe out for eight. However, there are a few things you can do to make it a little more effective. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, an integrative medicine specialist, throughout the whole practice, try to keep the tip of your tongue right up to the back of your top teeth, so you’ll be breathing around your tongue. Before lying down, sit with your back straight to get the hang of it. Then, exhale completely, through your mouth, making a whoosh. Close your mouth, and inhale slowly, for four seconds, through your nose. Hold your breath for about seven seconds, and exhale through your mouth for a count of eight. Don’t forget to whoosh. Now try it three more times. 

It may be a little difficult at first, and as long as you stick to the 4-7-8 ratio, you can make it shorter if you please. Just focus on relaxing. After a few days of practice, you’ll notice it’s a little easier to reach your dreams.

So this week, try to get through a few fours, a few sevens, and maybe four eights. We hope it helps you reach some tranquility; don’t forget to whoosh.

Have a great week from us at Charger Press!

Remember, you’re not alone, if you or anyone you know is experiencing a mental health emergency, contact the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 9-8-8. Or, if you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health issues, you can visit, Stress and Coping Resources, and reach out to a trusted adult at home or at school.

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