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Adjusting the Bell: Examining the Impact of Changing Start Times at Hamilton High School

Adjusting the Bell: Examining the Impact of Changing Start Times at Hamilton High School

Photo from Pexels by JESHOOTS

Krishay Toomu

School start times are a highly debated topic among educators, parents, and students. One school that has faced this issue is Hamilton High School, which currently starts at 7:20 AM. Research has shown that starting school later can have a positive impact on students' sleep patterns, academic performance, and overall health. Adolescents, in particular, have a natural tendency to stay up late and sleep in due to changes in their body's production of the sleep hormone melatonin. When these students are forced to wake up early for school, it can lead to sleep deprivation, which has been linked to negative consequences on their physical and mental well-being, as well as their ability to learn and retain information. For example, a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that students who got insufficient sleep were more likely to experience poor academic performance, mental health issues, and even car accidents. Another study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that starting school later resulted in improved attendance, higher grades, and fewer car accidents involving teenage drivers.

As a student at Hamilton High School, I have personally experienced the challenges and potential benefits of our current start time. Like many of my classmates, I often struggle to get enough sleep due to the early start time. I find myself staying up late to finish homework or participate in extracurricular activities, and then struggling to wake up in the morning. This lack of sleep can leave me feeling tired and irritable throughout the day, and I have noticed that it can negatively impact my ability to concentrate and retain information in class.  

On the other hand, I have also seen firsthand how a well-rested student can be more alert and motivated in school. When I have had the opportunity to sleep in later, I have noticed that I feel more energized and focused in class, and I am often more productive as a result. I believe that starting school later could have a positive impact on the academic performance and overall well-being of myself and my classmates. In fact, a study published in the journal Sleep Medicine found that students who started school later reported feeling more rested, alert, and motivated in class, and had improved grades and attendance. The potential benefits make pushing the start time back worth considering.

Pushing back school start times has been shown to improve sleep patterns among students. Research has consistently found that early school start times, often before 8am, can lead to sleep deprivation among adolescents. According to a study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, delaying school start times by even just one hour can improve students' sleep schedules. Also, pushing back school start times has been shown to significantly improve grades for students. According to a study conducted by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, when high schools moved their start times from 7:15 am to 8:35 am, students saw an improvement in their academic performance, including an 8% increase in their overall grade point average. This is because teenagers, who are naturally inclined to have delayed sleep patterns, are often sleep-deprived during early morning classes and struggle to stay alert and focused. By starting school later in the morning, students are better able to get the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep they need each night, which in turn leads to improved cognitive function and better academic performance. This is why many schools throughout the nation are considering pushing back their start times to improve the well-being and academic success of their students and I believe that HHS should as well.

Despite these potential benefits, changing the start time at Hamilton High School would likely not be a simple process. While changing the start time could potentially have numerous benefits, there are also several challenges that come with it, one of which is the issue of bus schedules. If the start time were to be pushed back, it would likely require the entire bus schedule to be adjusted, which could be a logistical nightmare. Not only would the bus schedules need to be altered, but there would also be an impact on extracurricular activities and after-school jobs. If school were to start later, it would also end later, which could make it difficult for students who have commitments after school. 

Additionally, there could be issues with coordinating schedules with other schools in the district, as well as any sports or academic competitions. One important factor to consider is the impact on students and families who may prefer an earlier start time. For example, students with younger siblings to care for before or after school, or parents who have to leave for work early, may be disrupted by a change in start time. Additionally, sports practices may also take place before school, which could be affected by a change in start time. It is also worth considering flipping the start times for elementary and high school students, as elementary students are often more accustomed to waking up earlier.

Despite the challenges, it is important to recognize that the potential benefits of starting school later are significant. While it may be difficult to adjust bus schedules and coordinate with other schools and extracurricular activities, it is ultimately worth it to prioritize the health and well-being of our students. There are several strategies that could be employed to overcome the challenges of changing the start time at Hamilton High School. 

One potential solution would be to gradually transition to a later start time, rather than implementing the change all at once. This could create a more gradual adjustment period for students, families, and staff, allowing for any necessary adjustments to be made to the bus schedules. Another possibility is to involve everyone in the decision-making process, including students, parents, teachers, and administrators. This could help ensure that the needs and concerns of all parties are taken into account, leading to the development of a plan that addresses any potential issues that may arise. Another approach could be to seek the input and expertise of transportation professionals, who may be able to offer ideas and solutions for adjusting the bus schedules to accommodate a later start time. 

In addition, it may be helpful to consider offering alternative transportation options, such as carpooling or providing additional bus routes, to ensure that students are able to get to and from school efficiently and safely. It may be helpful to gather data and research on the experiences of other schools that have implemented a later start time. This could provide valuable insights and help inform the decision-making process at Hamilton High School. By carefully considering all of these strategies and working collaboratively with everyone who may be affected, it may be possible to overcome the challenges and successfully implement a later start time at Hamilton High School.

The issue of school start times is a complex and highly debated topic that requires careful consideration. While changing the start time at Hamilton High School could have numerous potential benefits, including improved sleep patterns, academic performance, and overall health for students, it is important to also recognize the challenges that come with it, such as the impact on bus schedules and coordination with other schools and extracurricular activities. It is essential that any decision on this issue be made thoughtfully and with the input of all stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, and administrators. It may be helpful to gather data and research on the experiences of other schools that have implemented a later start time, and to seek the expertise of transportation professionals to address any logistical issues. Ultimately, the decision on whether to change the start time at Hamilton High School should be based on a careful weighing of all of the pros and cons, and a plan that works for the entire community. 

American Academy of Pediatrics. (2014). School start times for adolescents. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Schools start too early. 

Melendres, J. R., Shambroom, J., O'Malley, J. M., & Mackey, T. (2018). School start time change: An examination of the impacts on academic performance and physical health of high school students. Sleep Medicine.,POSITION,to%20facilitate%20peak%20academic%20performance 

National Sleep Foundation. (n.d.). School start times. 

Rojas, L. J., & Sattler, T. (2018). Sleep and academic performance in adolescents. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.

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