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January Teacher Feature: Mrs. Derlein

January Teacher Feature: Mrs. Derlein

Photo submitted by Mrs. Derlein.

Evan Rosenau

This month’s Teacher Feature is the animal-loving, kind-hearted, math-teaching Mrs. Derlein. She’s been teaching for eleven years, two being at Hamilton, since she graduated from Cardinal Stritch University. With their dog and two cats, she, her husband, and her daughter love to play outside or enjoy a board game if they can’t. 

Get to know her more:

What song do you know all the lyrics to? 

“One Week” by the Barenaked Ladies.

What superpower would you like to have?

Teleportation! Then I wouldn’t have to spend so much time driving.

If you won 100 million dollars, what would you buy first?

A vacation home on the water in Door County.

What would your perfect room/classroom look like?

A huge room with many different seating options, couches, tables, desks, floor seating, whiteboards everywhere, lots of cabinets for storage, and carpet flooring.

What Crayola Crayon color are you? (The more specific the better!)

Pacific Blue.

If you could trade classrooms with any teacher at Hamilton, who would it be and why?

Ms. Farrell because her room is filled with so much cool stuff for kids!  

If you weren't teaching, what would you do?

I think I would really enjoy party planning or being a professional organizer.

What’s your favorite college memory?

Working at the on-campus coffee shop.  It was at the center of campus and made me feel like I was a big part of the community.

What would you rather do: Meet your future self or go back in time and talk with your past self? Why?

I would rather meet my past self and tell her that everything works out just fine—don’t stress so much! I want my future to remain a beautiful mystery every day.

What skill would you like to master?

Solving a Rubik’s cube.

What’s your favorite place on Earth?

Every summer, we still camp at the same campground that I grew up going to as a kid.  It is in Door County, and it is so beautiful!

Who are your teacher besties?

My co-teacher, Mr. Dybdahl!

Is there anything you wish you would’ve known as a first-year teacher?

I wish I would have known the importance of having a balance.  Prioritizing mental and physical health, family, friends, and hobbies is just as important as prioritizing work.

To what age do you want to live?

100! That seems like a pretty cool accomplishment.

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