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April Teacher Feature: Mrs. Kowalske

April Teacher Feature: Mrs. Kowalske

Photo submitted by Mrs. Kowalske.

Evan Rosenau

The journalism guru and AP Lang legend, Mrs. Kowalske, is our Teacher Feature this month! After graduating from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN, she began teaching, and has continued ever since. Kowalske loves reading and spending time with her family, consisting of her two sons and her husband of nine years, Michael. All of them love to spend time on the playground, go on hikes, and attend community events together. She remarks that, although sometimes tiring, her time with her kids, seeing the world through their eyes, makes life a whole lot more enjoyable. During her eighteen years of teaching, eight being at Hamilton, she has advised numerous clubs ranging from Academic Decathlon to Student Council. Currently, she is proud to advise Charger Press, noting, “Helping students find their voice and become more confident communicators is empowering, and I am incredibly proud of my staff.”  

Read on to get to know more about Charger Press’ s amazing advisor:

What song do you know all the lyrics to? 

I’m one of those people who makes up my own lyrics and is surprised years later when I realize I’ve been singing it wrong. However, I can confidently say that I know all the correct lyrics to “Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd.   

What superpower would you like to have?

The ability to manipulate matter.

What would your perfect classroom look like?

My perfect room has lots of personality; I think classrooms that fit the personality of the teacher are more interesting. It would still have lots of family photos and all my Star Wars things. I’d love wall to wall bookshelves filled with all my favorite books. I’d also love to have more comfortable/casual seating for my students. Basically, I want coffeehouse vibes for a classroom.

Are there more wheels or doors in the world? Why?

Wheels. I think all of the HotWheel cars my sons own have tipped the entire world’s ratio in favor of wheels. For the doubters, HotWheel cars do not have doors that are counted since they do not open (fake doors don’t count).    

What Crayola Crayon color are you? (The more specific the better!)

I took an online quiz, and it said I was Shamrock–someone a bit “extra” who is an overachiever maintaining the illusion of stability. Sounds about right.

If you could trade classrooms with any teacher at Hamilton, who would it be and why?

I love my classroom with all the space and windows, so I’d stay in E174. It would be a nightmare to move all of those books! That being said, I do really like the circular design of the Science wing classrooms, and I’d love to have windows that open.

If you weren't teaching, what would you do?

If I didn’t have to make money, I’d alternate between traveling the world and being a complete homebody–staying at home and reading books all day.  

As far as a career outside of education, I’d love to find a way to make money as a writer since that’s something I enjoy. I’d also love to work for some kind of nonprofit organization–probably something related to animals–to have the feeling that I’m making a positive difference.  

What unsolved mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?

DB Cooper–I’ve done some loooonnnnngggg Internet dives into reading about that. I would’ve said the Dyatlov Pass Russian mystery, but this New Yorker article has me pretty convinced this is solved.

What’s your favorite college memory?

Not a favorite memory, but a funny story: We had a really attractive art professor at college so I took college art, as did most of my friends.  We would constantly tease each other about his critiques. One day, in what I thought was a private conversation, my friend said how embarrassing it was to get a bad critique from him.  I mouthed off that I had never been given a bad critique because we were “soul mates.” He then materialized behind us and my friend awkwardly laughed, asking if he heard what we were talking about. He replies, “I heard everything.” Complete mortification.

What’s the funniest or most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you as a teacher?

Teaching Comm. Arts 9, lol, jk. In reality, I embarrass myself on a daily basis. One of the funniest moments was during the “that’s what she said” era when a student cracked a perfectly timed, completely inappropriate joke. I had to seriously discipline the student in the moment, but afterwards had to go out into the hallway to just laugh.   

What would you rather do: Meet your future self or go back in time and talk with your past self? Why?

Neither. I’m happy to live in the present and plan for the future. Anything else would pull me away from the moments that really matter now or prevent me from learning important lessons that have shaped who I’ve become.

What skill would you like to master?

Time management! Can days be 30 hours long, please? How do normal people get everything done?! If that’s impossible, I’ve always wanted to learn how to whistle with two fingers really loudly. Mr. Wunschel does this so well it actually hurts your ears and loud rooms suddenly fall silent. Whenever I try, I just spit everywhere.   

Who are your teacher besties?

I’ve got a great support crew here at Hamilton and there are lots of teachers both in and out of my department that I rely on. Mr. Holloway is my long-distance teacher bestie since he left HHS. Mrs. Fields keeps me laughing and sane, mostly by trying (and failing) to convince me to join TikTok by sending regular clips. As a special shout-out to the teachers who have been here since I first started and long before, Hamilton has always been a place for me where it’s been easy to find someone to help, vent, or push me to be better. 

Who would you team up with during the Zombie Apocalypse and why?

I think I’d team up with a billionaire since they’d have the funds to just live in a bunker somewhere (that’s going to be posher than anything I’ve ever seen) or the means to just leave the planet. Given the option between Zuckerberg and Musk though, I think I would actually rather have my brains eaten.

What’s your claim to fame?

Fame is overrated; I have no desire to be famous. I do hope to leave a legacy, though, and I hope my legacy lives in the memories students have of me and the small differences I have tried to make in the lives of all the students I’ve taught in my career.   

If you could meet anyone in history who would it be and why?

J.R.R. Tolkien. I think he is absolutely brilliant and we could have some nerdy Lord of the Rings conversations.

What is the weirdest thing you have done to get your students’ attention?

I tell stories about my life. Kids are usually pretty curious about our lives outside of teaching, so it’s a pretty simple way to draw their attention. Especially now that I’m “old,” kids think stories about living in the 80s/90s are hilarious. A kid ACTUALLY asked me the other day if I grew up with colored television.  

What book would you recommend to your students?

Ah! This is such a hard question because there are SO MANY good books! One of the earliest books that made me love reading was The Hobbit, so that one will always hold a special place in my heart. Frederik Backman is my favorite modern author (Anxious People or My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry are my faves). The best book I’ve read so far in 2024 is The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride.  

What is your second favorite subject? (besides the one you are teaching now)

Currently, it’s Social Studies/History, which is required to better understand literature. For a long time, I thought I wanted to be a high school Biology teacher.    

What fictional character best represents you?

Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye. He’s very stream-of-consciousness, angsty, and notably flawed, but he means well. Both of us aren’t big fans of “phony” people.  

What is your favorite TV show? Movie?

I’m an 80s child, so most of my favorite movies are kind of demented and based on nostalgia. I can’t pick just one, but long-time favorites include the Blues Brothers, Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Great Outdoors, and Harry and the Hendersons.

For television, I’m a big Murder, She Wrote fan and will always stop to watch Tom Sellick in Magnum, P.I.

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