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The Sun is Also a Star Book Review

The Sun is Also a Star Book Review

Photo from Food and Other Loves.

Haley Meneses

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon is a story of college-bound Daniel Bae, who believes in fate and true love, and Natasha Kingsley, a science-believing Jamaican girl. As “fate” brings them together, romance quickly sparks between the two. However, as the day’s clock runs out, Natasha is facing her family’s deportation, as well as her growing feelings for Daniel.

This book is an excellent short-lived romance. A love in your teens feels like a fever dream, and then life is moved on with, trying to remember if it really ever meant anything. Nicola Yoon discusses two different lives that are not ideal. Natasha has a bad relationship with her father, and her family are illegal immigrants from Jamaica, although Natasha has mostly grown up in the United States. Daniel lives in a strict household and is expected to receive good grades and go to a pristine college, all while dealing with his brother, whom he loathes. The topic of “fate” is danced around throughout the book, and why things were meant to go like they did, and how they may have gone differently if things didn’t add up the way they did. Fate brought the two lovers together, and it continues to bring them back together. 

In all, The Sun is also a Star is an amazing read if you are interested in romance novels, and is a great book directed to young adults. 

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