16 Personalities Quiz

16 Personalities Quiz

Photo from Hub Spot.

Haley Meneses

“Take this test and we’ll show you what character of the book you’re most like!” 

“What color is your aura? Take this test to find out!”

“This test will show you which kind of bread you most relate to!”

These are probably all tests you’ve seen advertised on the internet. Buzzfeed claims to know your deepest darkest secrets simply by answering your favorite color and what you ate for breakfast. Many of these tests result in vague, generic answers that make users believe it truly relates to them. But in reality, these thousands of tests only scratch the surface of what may be true to yourself, and it doesn’t mean anything to you in the end. 

However, there is a test created by Katherine Briggs and her daughter that touches deep into your true personality and habits, called the ‘16 Personality test.’ It works by the user answering 100 total questions, with 5 spots on a slider for each question: Disagree, slightly disagree, neutral, slightly agree, and agree. The questions will go through various scenarios, situations, and moral questions. The goal for the user is to not overthink each question, and to go with their first instinct, then answer accordingly.

The test gives results immediately after, providing the user with 1 of 16 possibilities:


Each letter within the user’s results provides you with a characteristic of yourself. Where you focus your attention – Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I) The way you take in information – Sensing (S) or Intuition (N) How you make decisions – Thinking (T) or Feeling (F) How you deal with the world – Judging (J) or Perceiving (P). Having a combination of these letters will give you a sense of what kind of person you are. On top of this, the results give you percentages of how much of each letter you are, and whether you are solid on that letter side, or if you are turbulent, a.k.a. semi close to being the other letter. 

Based on this information, the site gives you detailed, lengthy explanations of your personality type. 

This personality test can also be valuable with relationships and friendships. Knowing what personality type your friend or partner is can help you to know how to help them through heavy emotions. This also works the other way around if your friend knows what personality type you are. The detailed explanations that the site gives lets you know how well you deal with pressure, what you typically do when you’re angry, and how you want to be treated while experiencing heavy emotions. 

Besides relationship help, the results of the test will also help you to know how much people of your same personality type enjoy certain activities, jobs and more. This may help you to know what jobs you may most enjoy doing for a career, (and will not enjoy) or what hobbies won’t cause you stress over long periods of time. 

Additionally, it is entertaining to see what famous historical figures and current celebrities have the same personality type as you.

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