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The Hidden Lens: Exposing The Pervasive Issue of Non-Consensual Filming of Women

The Hidden Lens: Exposing The Pervasive Issue of Non-Consensual Filming of Women

Cover photo by Pixabay

Hayden Hockerman

According to NSRVC, (national sexual violence resource center) “Nationwide, 81% of women and 43% of men reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment and/or assault in their lifetime.” These numbers are alarmingly high especially with women. With the advancements of technology, there have been an increased variety of the ways sexual harassment occurs. One of these is “upskirting,” which refers to someone taking photos up someone else’s skirt.

Two celebrities, Shakira and Emma Watson are victims of upskirting. Back in 2009 on the day of Emma Watson’s eighteenth birthday, a day for celebration, instead became one of the most vile acts of paparazzi. As Watson exited her birthday party she noticed photographers laying down on the pavement and angling their cameras to take photos up her skirt. The next morning these photos were published on the front of the English tabloids. Watson later commented on the issue and stated, “I realized that overnight I’d become fair game.” Emma Watson is not the only celebrity who has faced a situation like this. On September 15, 2024 at one of Shakira’s performances a fan was caught filming up her skirt while she was performing at the Miami nightclub LIV. She waved her finger at the recorder and told them to stop, but they didn’t. Shakira walked off stage and when she returned the fan still recorded. Rightfully so, Shakira exited the stage once more. 

One incident that happened in our very own school back in 2021 involved an instagram page called “Hamilton Horrors.” This page consisted of photos and videos typically taken of people who were off-guard and the construction of the photography and social media page was unbeknownst to the victims.

It is important to acknowledge that everyday citizens and not just celebrities face sexual harassment. In 2017, a man stuck his hand in between Gina Martin’s legs and took a photo of her crotch. Due to this incident, Gina made it her mission to to prevent further assaults like this. Her campaign efforts made upskirting a specific offense in England and Wales in 2019 due to the creation of the Voyeurism Act. This act states that perpetrators can be criminally charged for taking explicit photos of others for the purpose of sexual gratification. Gina’s strides had a global impact because other countries such as France and Gibraltar adopted the same law. 

Despite Gina’s impact in areas like England, the United States has yet to adopt the Voyeurism Act. Instead other laws are in place. According to Wisconsin Statutory Law, “Whoever knowingly installs or uses any device, instrument, mechanism, or contrivance to intentionally view, broadcast, or record under the outer clothing of an individual that individual's genitals, pubic area, breast, or buttocks, including genitals, pubic area, breasts, or buttocks that are covered by undergarments or to intentionally view, broadcast, or record a body part of an individual that is not otherwise visible, without that individual's consent, is guilty of a Class I felony” (Wis. Stat. 942.08 (3)). While laws like these provide punishment for those who violate it, prevention is also vital to women’s safety. 


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