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Earth Can’t Wait

Earth Can’t Wait

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels.

Hayden Hockerman

Earth is billions of years old, but can we even expect another 100 years of quality life? Experts say this may not be the case. There are nine important measurements of the Earth’s health and currently, there are only three that are at a safe level, and the rest are going awry. The climate of the earth, biodiversity, land, freshwater, nutrient pollution, and “novel” chemicals are all at an unhealthy quality. The only three that are currently stable are the acidity of the oceans, the quality of the air and ozone layer, and the amount of ocean and air pollution. However, the amount of ocean and air pollution is leading to unstable conditions. 

The main thing that is causing the Earth’s health to decline is the burning of fossil fuels. During this process, carbon is released into the atmosphere which combines with oxygen in the air to make carbon dioxide (CO2), which increases the atmospheric concentration of CO2. Another factor that increases atmospheric carbon dioxide is human activities such as clearing land for agricultural or construction purposes. 

The consequences of these low quality measurements of Earth’s health have been beginning to surface extremely in recent years. Sea levels have risen due to ice caps melting, there have been more heat waves, and as stated before, oceans have become more acidic. There has been undernourishment in some countries as a result of climate change. Crops are also being damaged by drought and flood. In addition, there has been an increase in natural disasters including flooding, wildfires, landslides, and heat waves. Bill Ripple is an Oregon State University ecologist who has been studying climate change. He and his coworkers have identified 14 disasters since October 2022. It was hypothesized that these events were “definitely” or “likely” caused by climate change. One event was heat waves that scorched parts of North America and Europe during the summer of 2023. These heat waves would have been “virtually impossible” without climate change.

Phoenix, Arizona has been known for its hot temperatures in the past, and by the looks of it will continue to be known for in the future. July 24, 2023 was the hottest summer recorded in Phoenix, Arizona. It went through 24 days in a row with a temperature above 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Their lowest temperature that broke the streak was 90 degrees Fahrenheit. This causes the cost of living to increase significantly due to the air conditioning having to be put on full blast for months at a time, which in turn increases the burning of fossil fuels. Furthermore, people have gotten second and third-degree burns due to passing out from heat stroke on the pavement. It is not only humans that are being affected but also the land in Phoenix, Arizona. The Colorado River has been drying up due to climate change and mismanagement. Phoenix, Arizona obtains more than a third of its water from the Colorado River. Similarly, the Salt and Verde Rivers, which are part of more than half of the city’s water supply, heavily rely on melting snow, which will eventually decline. The rate of dust storms are also increasing because of the increase of droughts and temperature. This unfathomable amount of heat will slowly increase as time goes on and will eventually be inhospitable for humans. A recent ProPublica study showed that by 2050 Phoenix, Arizona will be one of the most inhospitable places with the temperature being above 95 degrees Fahrenheit for around half the year. 

This does not mean it is the end of the world though. There are a variety of ways to improve the Earth’s health. For example, there are alternative energy uses, such as wind, solar, and hydropower. Solar power converts sunlight into energy for electricity. It does this by using photovoltaic panels which concentrate solar radiation. Not only can this be used to generate electricity but it can also be stored to power batteries. states, “The amount of sunlight that strikes the earth’s surface in an hour and a half is enough to handle the entire world’s energy consumption for a full year.” In addition, hydropower uses the natural flow of water to generate electricity. This can be used to power businesses, industries, schools, etc. 

The Earth has been around for billions of years. As society grows with more machines and energies being created, there will always be unknown consequences, but there is a way to learn from the consequences and create a bright future for future generations. 


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