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Synergy Loves You!

Synergy Loves You!

Photos provided by Synergy Show Choir

Emma Suneja

To Synergy Show Choir, kindness is of utmost importance. Synergy values fostering a positive environment both in rehearsals and at competitions. It is one of the first things you learn as a new member of the team, and members are held to the highest standards. At competitions we are focused on complimenting people, cheering for every team there, and just simply having fun. Competitions can be stressful if you prioritize winning too much, but Synergy has found the perfect balance between winning and keeping a positive environment.

Synergy Loves You!

Any team that has ever competed with Synergy has heard the phrase, “Synergy Loves You!” Synergy yells this phrase after every team performs at a competition as a way to show our love for each team. The team also extends this to anyone who helps out throughout the season: clinicians, judges, and volunteers, for example. The little chant is a symbol of what Synergy is and what we stand for. We have also started to see the effects of cheering for other teams, because now people cheer for us. After we perform we tend to hear other teams cheering using our chant. Hearing, “Sparta Loves You!” or “Monona Grove Loves You!” after we perform truly lifts our spirits.

Kindness Cards

This competition season the Synergy leaders decided to start giving out kindness cards. These cards have different compliments on them: “You look amazing today!” “I love your costume!” and “You have a beautiful voice!” are common examples of what these cards say. At every single competition each Synergy member gets one kindness card to give out at each competition. The goal is to find someone for whom you genuinely mean the compliment and give it to them before we leave the competition. This has been such an amazing experience because it has pushed us to talk to more people. The kindness cards have been the reason behind so many new relationships. 

Lasting Relationships

During the 2023 competition season, Synergy had a room host named Sam at De Pere: Jam Session! Sam was a freshman that we all took a liking to. He was funny, helpful, kind, and perfectly vibed with our team. There was also one particular volunteer that many Synergy members had conversations with throughout the day. Later on, we find out that the sweet volunteer was Sam’s mom. It was a great competition and we got many photos with Sam. The team went home and promised to keep in touch with them both. 

Later on that week the former principal, Mrs. Newcomer, walked into the Synergy room to tell us she had gotten an email about us. While we were worried someone had emailed to complain, it was actually from Sam’s mom. She expressed that, “Throughout the day, he developed meaningful relationships with them in a way that he has found difficult to accomplish at his own school.” She also told Mrs. Newcomer, “Your students are the kinds of kids who can change the world, and in many ways, they already have.” Synergy created such memorable interactions with both Sam and his mother that when we went back to De Pere: Jam Session in 2024, Sam made sure to be our room host again. Now, even when we are competitors, we are always there to support him. 

The Spirit Award

The Spirit Award is awarded to the team that has demonstrated the most spirit, manners, and professionalism throughout the day. The unique part of this award is that it is not decided upon by the judges, as the other awards are, but rather by the volunteers that day. The volunteers take into consideration all of the interactions they had throughout the day and choose a team based on their professionalism. Synergy Show Choir has won this award 19+ times in their 11 years of being a competition team! 

The student leadership made a big distinction this year: we are kind for the sake of being kind, NOT to win the Spirit Award. Choir President and Head Dance Captain, Jenna Korban, speaks to this point: “Synergy doesn’t show kindness to win the Spirit Award, we win the Spirit Award because kindness is who we are. Our goal isn’t recognition, it’s creating a positive environment where everyone feels valued, supported, and inspired.”

Quotes from Other Wisconsin Teams

Synergy Show Choir has made a name for themselves as the “nice team” in Wisconsin. They have made so many connections with other teams which can be seen in all of the positive interactions the team has had. 

Abi Urban—Milton Show Choir

 “I love how they are always in the gym/auditorium supporting other groups! They all seem so sweet, and when they all support groups it makes others want to do that too.”

Emma Steinke—Milton Show Choir

“Synergy took a picture with me last year, just because we both had bows. They are so kind and accepting!”

Jay Koch—Milton Show Choir

“Hosting Synergy was one of my favorite memories from sophomore year. They were so so sweet and kind. I met really amazing people.”

Charlotte Miller—Milton Show Choir

“I had like one conversation with a couple of Synergy girls in a Sauk bathroom my sophomore year about Choralation’s show and how they enjoyed the theme.” 

Monona Grove Silver Connection

“Synergy has always been so supportive to any group they come in contact with, with such a loving group they always make other groups and individuals feel welcomed. You see it in every show that their singer/dancers, crew and band put a lot of time and thought into what they put on stage.”

Wisconsin Show Choir Download

“Ever since I began my show choir journey in 2017, Synergy has been one of the most joyful groups in the state of Wisconsin. Their support of all groups, not just a select few, is something that few others make an effort to do. No matter who wins, you always know that Synergy will be happy for them. While it’s certainly not about the trophies, the respect Synergy shows others has translated into handfuls of Spirit Award captions throughout the course of several years.”

A Farewell

This past month Synergy Show Choir said goodbye to their director Maggie Condon (MC). She has been with the program for three years and truly upheld the values of Synergy. Thank you MC for everything you have done for the program and we hope you find success at Wisconsin Singers!

“Such an amazing show choir director, we wouldn’t be where we are now without her.” Chuck Morris, junior

“MC was always someone I could go to if I needed anything, a cry, a rant, or just a laugh. She was more than just a teacher but someone I looked up to. She showed me my love for music when I thought I wasn’t good enough and wanted to quit. She showed me there was always someone on my side when I needed it most. Choir feels weird without her but I am so glad she is happy at her new job now.” Cameron Mcdonell, senior

“MC made me feel seen as a student. Other teachers would only see me as a student in their class, but MC made me feel like more than just a student to her. MC built a bond with all of us, one that will never be lost.” Emily Muehlenbach, sophomore

“No matter what, MC always backed us up. Whether it was as an advisor for GSA or as the Synergy Director, she always wanted us to be the best we could be. I am a better person because of MC, I am more confident in myself because of MC, and without a doubt I can say, this school is a better place because of MC, both in the quality of our music programs and in the environment she created.” Evan Rosenau, junior

“MC was one of the most welcoming and accepting teachers I’ve ever had. She created such a wonderful environment for every one of her kids, while also keeping us on task in order for a successful show choir season. MC is a kind, smart, and supportive teacher, and I miss having a teacher I can talk to about anything immensely.” Sydney Nicholas, junior

“There are not many people out there like MC who are as good at their jobs as she is with hers.” Cash Campell, Hamilton and Synergy Alumni

“MC was one of the first teachers to believe in me and push me to be the best I could be. She is a great educator who truly cares and listens to her students. I will forever be grateful for everything she has done for me as a singer and for Synergy Show Choir.” Sydney Alexander-Brown, Hamilton and Synergy Alumni

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