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Sweets 4 Sustainability

Sweets 4 Sustainability

All photos submitted by Corbin.

Emmie Corbin

As springtime approaches at full throttle in Wisconsin, more people are enjoying the warm weather outdoors. However, the time we spend outside often comes at a high environmental cost. In places where large groups of people gather outside, which cyclically grow during the summer, you’ll notice a drastic increase in pollution. For example, according to the World Wildlife Fund, the quantity of plastic litter on the bustling Mediterranean beaches reportedly increases by 40% during the summer months.

The same issue, albeit on a small-town scale, poses a huge problem to the Sussex community. The beauty and functionality of our outdoor recreational spaces are diminished by pollution. Therefore, in partnership with the Environmental Defense Fund and Hamilton’s very own Club Action, a group of AP Lang students is trying to do something about it. Jillian Arthur, Cash Campbell, Emmie Corbin, Jack Nagai, and Kendall Syslack are taking a unique approach to litter cleanup through the initiative of “Sweets 4 Sustainability”. They are hosting a bake sale in the Hamilton High School cafeteria after school on May 24th, 25th, and 26th to raise money for the Environmental Defense Fund. On top of that, they strive to take action to directly benefit their community, so for every dollar donated, they will clean up one piece of litter from the Bugline Trail. Garbage truly does add up, so every dollar counts in this cleanup mission!

The bake sale will feature treats such as Earth-themed cake pops and cookies, dirt cups, and cupcakes-- all packaged using low-waste and/or recyclable materials so Hamilton students and faculty can enjoy guilt-free treats while helping our environment thrive. “Sweets 4 Sustainability” will bring the community together under a united passion for both delicious treats and the protection of nature.

Beyond their bake sale, the five students are also accepting online donations at Sweets for Sustainability EDF Fundraiser. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated! If you are interested in participating in the trash cleanup which will be taking place on June 4th from 4:30-6:30 pm, sign up at

and text @sweets4su to 81010 to join the Remind for additional details!

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