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So…Therapy, What’s That All About?

So…Therapy, What’s That All About?

Picture from Pexels

Evan Rosenau

This week, we wanted to talk about therapy, a more tangible solution to some of our mental struggles. While a good amount of us may already be in therapy, in one way or another, it can still be important to expand our knowledge of how it works and what we can achieve. For instance, did you know there are countless kinds of therapy? There’s psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, humanistic therapy, physical therapy, and tons of subcategories below that. 

To help us narrow in, we will be talking mostly about psychotherapy today, also known as talk therapy. This is a form of therapy you may already do, simply sitting down, and talking to someone. They may offer you some advice or some tricks to help you out, but overall, psychotherapy is just a conversation aimed at helping you find yourself. 

So what exactly can psychotherapy do? The most straightforward, tangible answer is to help us develop skills. In this kind of therapy, people can overcome pain and struggle, while learning strategies to help them in the future. Additionally, people can define their goals, clarify who they are, and who they want to be. Overall, therapy helps people work through what they’re feeling, communicate those feelings, and better understand themselves in the process. Therapy can help you with handling depression, anxiety, obsessions, relationships, and finding support. 

Recently, online therapy has become more and more common. Sites such as BetterHelp can help you get help, right from your room. On the other hand, you can find psychologists near you using APA Psychologist Locator or Find a Therapist, Psychologist, Counselor - Psychology Today

Therapy is a wonderful thing, used to push you out of your comfort zone,  help you better understand yourself, and figure out how you and the world around you intertwine. Remember, anyone can go to therapy, no matter how big or small you feel your problems are, they can always get better.

As always, enjoy yourself, and have a great week from us at Charger Press!

Remember, you’re not alone, if you or anyone you know is experiencing a mental health emergency, contact the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifelife at 9-8-8. Or, if you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health issues, you can visit, Stress and Coping Resources, and reach out to a trusted adult at home or at school.

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