Check out our student-submitted Creative Corner Content!

PAAC Art Show Winners

PAAC Art Show Winners

The PAAC art show which happens every other year has their galleria of student work to view. Why is this exciting?!? Because of 543 entries, 16 Waukesha county high schools 9 winners(first, second, third for each category) and 21 honorable mentions, Hamilton had 3 students place!! Representation in all three categories!

Lily Mottl( grade 9) honorable mention photography.

Max Juedes(grade 11) honorable mention 2-D

Trinity Schrotenboer (grade 12) first place 3-D!

2022-2023 Cheer Recap

2022-2023 Cheer Recap

The Weight of a Flawed System

The Weight of a Flawed System