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November Horoscope

November Horoscope

Julia Igl

Find out what the month of November holds for your star sign! Plus, find out which song you should listen to this month from Taylor Swift’s new album, Midnights!

Aries (March 21 – April 19) ♈ 

Aries, you are competitive and quick. This month will ask you to reflect on your past and plan for your future. Use this as an opportunity to evaluate the relationships that have been holding you back. As long as you stay positive and listen to the universe, November will be a month of great growth for you!

Your Midnights song: Karma

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) ♉

Taurus, you are loyal and creative. You may be feeling ready to jump into new relationships this month. Try to work on yourself so you can walk into these relationships as the best version of yourself. Don’t worry if you feel conflicted at the beginning of the month, things should sort themselves out as long as you take care of yourself.

Your Midnights song: Snow On The Beach

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) ♊ 

Gemini, you are kind and intuitive. November will present an opportunity to work on new, healthy habits; however, Mars may make this seem easier said than done. Do your best to push through, your future self will thank you! You can also expect increased luck in your relationships this month.

Your Midnights song: Anti-Hero

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) ♋ 

Cancer, you are sensitive and compassionate. This month, expect to be feeling creative. Just don’t let insecurities dissuade you from expressing yourself. You may also be feeling extra ready to help others. Be careful not to pour too much into the relationships you don’t get anything back from.

Your Midnights song: Paris

Leo (July 23 – August 22) ♌ 

Leo, you are expressive and outgoing. You may see yourself straying from your work to resolve the issues in your personal life. Don’t fret too much if you aren’t as productive as usual, and use this as an opportunity to reevaluate your relationships. Once you feel ready, remind yourself of your goals, and get back to work!

Your Midnights song: Sweet Nothing

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) ♍

Virgo, you are practical and gentle. Trust your instincts this month, and believe people when they reveal their character to you for the first time. However, if you find your hunt for justice becoming obsessive, try to channel some of this motivation into your work. Make it a goal to stay positive and organized this November.

Your Midnights song: Vigilante Sh*t

Libra (September 23 – October 22) ♎ 

Libra, you are understanding and fair. Expect November to bring increased concern toward the future for you. Know your worth, and don’t be afraid to ask for what you deserve. Expect more clarity mid-month thanks to Mercury, but don’t be afraid to have a good time either.

Your Midnights song: Bejeweled

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) ♏

Scorpio, you are stubborn and hard-working. November brings the opportunity to achieve a great deal through your personal projects. Just don’t let the past drag you down. Leave those who do not have your best interest in mind behind. Make sure to set aside time for yourself so you have the motivation to do everything you are planning for this month.

Your Midnights song: You’re On Your Own, Kid

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) ♐

Sagittarius, you are amiable and social. This month, expect to grow and move past beliefs and insecurities that limited you in the past. Get a headstart on your New Year’s resolutions to plan how you can achieve the most next year. However, this newfound maturity may leave you feeling worn out and confused, so do your best to create balance in your routine.

Your Midnights song: Maroon

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) ♑

Capricorn, you are independent and reserved. November begins with you feeling sociable, so try to connect with those in your community. However, as the month continues, things may start to shift. If you find yourself craving alone time due to Venus, don’t worry. Use this time to reflect and pursue the interests that you love.

Your Midnights song: Question…?

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) ♒

Aquarius, you are unique and creative. You may begin November burned out from work. Make it your goal to set boundaries to prevent this from happening again. Then, mid-month, you may see the opportunity for new relationships to arise. Allow yourself to have fun and take a break from your work.

Your Midnights song: Lavender Haze

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) ♓

Pisces, you are warm and expressive. Luck is on your side this November! Expect to adopt a positive mindset and more mental clarity. You may also see your relationships strengthen, and you will feel more comfortable with these people. Just don’t let those who have proven themselves to be untrustworthy, trick you in your pursuit to see the best this month.

Your Midnights song: The Great War


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