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Letter to the Class of 2021: Mr. Wunschel

Letter to the Class of 2021: Mr. Wunschel

To the graduates of 2021:

To those students who have ever been to my classroom, you are probably very familiar with a phrase that appears in big colorful letters across the top of the back wall: TRUST THE PROCESS; ENJOY THE JOURNEY. For those of you who have never seen it, I would like to take a moment and share its importance and meaning to all.  This moment in life, graduation from high school gives all seniors a chance to look back at the journey they have traveled for the past 18 years. Many of you will look back and remember the good times you had with friends, teammates, and classmates. Those moments that stood out as funny may be remembered with a smile, and the moments that we would prefer to forget but can’t. However, as you do this, do not forget to think about all the little things that happened to you and the people you met.  Each of these, no matter how small, has helped you become the person that you are today. 

Your parents, guardians, and extended family have provided a foundation for you to grow.  While at times you may think the foundation you have might not be the best when compared to others, do not compare.  Understand how it has helped shape who you are and how you can use it to inform your choices in the future.  Now, build onto that foundation with the influence of your teachers and your friends. Each of us has had teachers and friends that have made both positive and negative impressions on our journey. We can also not forget the effect of outside factors, such as each form of entertainment and even politics. All these factors and many more influence the process of growing up. 

There is not one process that works perfectly for everyone. It is unique to each individual and no two people will ever have the same process of growing up.  Yes, there are similarities, but the choices each of us make along the way refines the process. These choices make growing up our journey, unique to each individual. At times you may regret your choices or wish things were different, but it is important that you trust this process because it has shaped who you are at this time and will continue to influence who you will become.  While most of you have wanted to rush the process and get to this point in your life a long time ago, it is important that we take the time to trust this process, because it affects so much of the journey ahead.

It is not my place to tell you what you have done right or wrong up to this point in your journey.  Nor is it my place to tell you which path to take in the future.  I simply want you to trust the process of growing up and use it to shape the right journey for you. The choices you make in the future will all be influenced by what has gotten you to this point. Make your choices by learning from your past.  Accept the outcomes of your choices, so that you can make more appropriate ones in the future because the process of growing up truly never ends. Hopefully, you understand your strengths and choose to use them to improve your weaknesses and have a positive influence on others.  This is the idea behind TRUST THE PROCESS; ENJOY THE JOURNEY.  May the process continue to shape the person you have become today, so you can enjoy the journey that awaits you.  

Mr. Wunschel

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