Just…Health: A Mental Health Tip

Just…Health: A Mental Health Tip

Photo from Pexels by Tiania

Evan Rosenau

Mental health, it's all about how you’re doing mentally, right? I mean it’s in the name, but physical health is also a huge part of how we stay mentally healthy. You may have heard a coach or gym teacher tell you how getting exercise can make you happier or reduce depression, and they aren’t wrong. In fact, in this series, we’ve touched on the impacts of consistent sleep and exercise on mental health. However, beyond that, there are dozens of self-care tips you can use to provide a wonderful base to boost your mental health. 

  1. First, we have some tips you may have previously heard of. For instance, eating healthy, good sleep, and exercise. These all take physical health in a very literal sense. Not only do they ensure you have the energy to work on your mental health, they make sure you feel good doing it.

  2. Practice good hygiene. Hygiene is incredibly important, not only to stay healthy, but to heighten your self confidence. As you work more on making yourself healthy, you will view yourself differently, as will others around you.

  3. Build connections. Having a strong confident foundation will ensure it is a tad bit easier to get to know others as your authentic self. Connections not only can help you now, but also later in life, and loving relationships have even been shown to lengthen a person’s life.

  4. Connect with yourself. This is immensely important. Even a simple “How are you?” to yourself in the middle of the day can help. However, going a little deeper is amazing. Solely reflecting on how you’re feeling, without judgment, can help you identify areas in which you desire to improve, and help you reach higher levels of emotional intelligence. 

  5. Get help. Ask questions. Receiving assistance can not only improve your motivation to persevere when you struggle, it can help you feel more supported when times are tough.

  6. Open the blinds, look outside. Okay, hear me out, right when you get out of bed, go look out a window. Even right now, when it isn't as sunny, looking outside for even a little bit can help balance your cortisol levels. Cortisol is the chemical most commonly associated with stress. So, getting a little peek at the sun right away in the morning not only is great, but helps your physical health, and reduces stress!

All of these tips were assisted by a variety of websites, some which have a plethora of mental health resources, we encourage you to check them out if you are ever feeling down. 

We hope one of these tips proved beneficial to you in any way, and have an amazing week from us at Charger Press.

Remember, you’re not alone, if you or anyone you know is experiencing a mental health emergency, contact the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 9-8-8. Or, if you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health issues, you can visit 988lifeline.org, Stress and Coping Resources, and reach out to a trusted adult at home or at school.

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