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January Students of the Month

January Students of the Month

Congratulations to January’s Students of the Month! Your hard work has paid off!

Pictured from left, front: Christyana Williams, student resources; Hope Lehnen, family and consumer sciences; Jacob Bartzen, business education; Tarun Kailey, art; Gretchen Brookes, science; Gage Ausloos, student resources.

Back: Dylan Elberson, world languages; Nolan Doherty, mathematics; Jackson Pritzl, fitness education; Maya Bynan, social studies; Sam Juedes, applied engineering and technology; Eric Patch, communication arts.

Not pictured: Sydney Alexander-Brown, music

Hamilton Alumni Feature: Ken Stribling

Hamilton Alumni Feature: Ken Stribling

Hamilton Drama Presents Parlor Games!

Hamilton Drama Presents Parlor Games!