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Hamilton Welcomes New Associate Principal

Hamilton Welcomes New Associate Principal

Photos submitted by Goike.

Harlowe Hutter

Ms. Marquea Goike is one of the first people you see as you walk into the IMC as she is a Library & Technology Literacy Instructional Coach. Next year though, Ms. Goike has been named Hamilton High School’s Associate Principal. Ms. Goike has been in education for 12 years and is very excited for this next step in her career and her greater responsibility to advocate for and help teachers and students. Below is a list of questions that Ms.Goike answered to help the Hamilton Community get to know her and her goals a little bit better as she steps into her new role.

Can you describe your history in education?

I have been in education for over 12 years in grades K-12. I taught in Arizona for a few years while I worked on my Master’s through ASU. I have been in the Hamilton District since 2018.

What other educational jobs have you had and where have you worked? 

I have taught in grades K-6, which included: teaching in dual language classes, advanced classes, as a “digital” teacher, co-taught classes, and experience with all content areas. The last few years I taught specifically math and science (which are my personal favorite subjects!). I was in a district in Arizona as well as in the Hartland Lakeside School District before coming over to Hamilton. I have held a few other educational positions as well including working as a STEM Curriculum Writer for UW-Milwaukee Washington County and a Clinical Supervisor for Student Teachers at Western Governors University (WGU). 

How did you know you wanted to go into education?

This may be silly but I knew I wanted to be a teacher at a young age. I used to play “pretend school” and of course I was always the teacher since I loved school so much (and now my 4 year old does the same!). My high school AP Physics teacher was actually one of my biggest inspirations and still is. Being able to help kids of all ages and abilities has been my biggest motivator throughout my career. 

When did you start working at Hamilton?  Can you describe your current role here and what you do? 

I started in Hamilton in 2018. My first year was at Woodside before I moved over to SSI for the last 4 years. This year, I have been a Library & Technology Literacy Instructional Coach (LTL Instructional Coach) at Hamilton. In my current position, I not only get to co-support the IMC with Ms. Gorski, but I also get to support teachers as an instructional coach. I love what I do! I love working with teachers and ultimately supporting students. 

Can you describe differences and similarities between what you do now and what you will do and how the transition will be because of that?

When I transition into the AP role, I will still be able to support teachers and coach; however, I will also be working as the Extended Learning Coordinator. This means I will also have the wonderful opportunity to work with coordinating the CTE program, YA (Youth Apprenticeship), and School to Work Program. I think the most important thing in both roles is that I am an advocate for student learning and growth and that is not a responsibility I take lightly!

What are some things you really like about working at Hamilton?

Hamilton really is such a special place. The teachers here are dedicated and really know their content. The community here is so supportive. There are so many amazing opportunities for students, whether it be clubs, athletics, or different courses to take, that you will not always find anywhere else. 

What made you know that you wanted to be Associate Principal at Hamilton?

I have really enjoyed my role as an LTL Coach. I love being able to support teachers and with my new role as an AP, I know I can make an even bigger impact on student learning. I also feel that Hamilton is such a great place and to be a part of it at an administrative level is such a humbling opportunity!

What are you most excited about stepping into your new role? What are you most apprehensive about?

Most exciting is definitely making a bigger impact on student learning. Being able to work with systems within the building to help support all students is something I am passionate about. I don’t know that I am apprehensive about too much, but if I had to choose something, I guess I would say I am most apprehensive about navigating new challenges, but I know that I have so many amazing teammates to work through things with.

What are your goals for Hamilton as Associate principal?

  • Continue to ensure that Hamilton’s environment is one that is conducive to all students and staff feeling safe and successful

  • Assist teachers with initiatives and help them feel empowered and supported

  • Support the CTE, YA, etc. programs for all staff and students

  • Build positive relationships with students and staff to encourage a sense of belonging

  • Ensure systems in place that support all student learning

  • Support best practices within classroom instruction 

  • Continue to advocate for all students

Please welcome Ms. Goike as Hamilton’s newest Associate Principal!  

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