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Hamilton DECA Adopts a Classroom

Hamilton DECA Adopts a Classroom

Maya Desai

Hamilton DECA is a global business-based organization that prepares students for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management while also giving them the skills to become academically prepared, community-oriented, and professionally responsible leaders. Members of Hamilton DECA partake in many community service events, such as Trick or Can, toy drives, fundraising for MDA, and more. But everyone's favorite community-oriented event is Adopt a Classroom which members participated in this past Thursday. Adopt a Classroom is where we get the chance to bring gifts to underprivileged children for Christmas. Hamilton has been doing this event since 2002. But because of COVID, we haven't been able to participate for the last 2 years. Last year, we got gifts for the children but weren’t allowed to come to their school. We only received a video of them opening their gifts, which doesn’t nearly come close to the actual experience. 

DECA member, Elise Elkin explains, “I participated as a freshman and absolutely loved it. Coming back this year was even better. I missed it so much. I love spreading Christmas cheer because Christmas is my favorite holiday. Seeing their reactions, filled me with so much joy.” 

Fortunately, this year we were able to match with two first-grade classrooms, instead of one. Allowing us to take 36 DECA members, compared to our usual 20. We adopted two classrooms of 1st graders at Gaenslen Elementary in Milwaukee. The kids all write a wishlist of what they want for Christmas. The members then get matched up with one 1st grader and based on their wishlist get a $25 gift. What most people don’t realize is that the gifts we give to these kids are usually the only ones they get for Christmas. The gifts have to be transferred into brown paper bags so other kids don’t steal their gifts on the bus. This is eye-opening for many members and allows them to realize how privileged they are. In addition, it allows members to give back to your community. A little goes a long way. 

Our DECA advisor, Mrs. Fields says, “Our Hamilton DECA members definitely have a much bigger appreciation for their lifestyles and the privileges they have after the event. A lot of members can't believe how happy their students got for such a simple gift and it has a huge impact on them. For the elementary kids, I've seen students home sick that literally come back to school just for this event. I have had students come up in the hallway and talk about how they still remember when their class did this event and it was the highlight of their years in elementary school. Sometimes I don't get to see the impact but I get to hear about it from their teacher. She has told me of a few students who have their gifts rewrapped and put under the tree on Christmas Eve so they can open them on Christmas morning. It tugs on my heartstrings every year!” 

It is a heartwarming event. Once we got to the school the teacher read off the names of the children so we were able to match up with them. Every face lit up when we walked towards them with their gift. My match had the biggest smile spread across her face and immediately grabbed my hand. Then turned to me saying, “Let’s go this way. I didn’t know older kids from a different school were coming to our school today. I was really hoping I matched with a girl. I am glad you are my match. Is that a gift for me?” 

Natalie Olson states, “The best part was when the lady was calling the kids’ names, and the looks on their faces when they realized they were actually getting presents.”

The kids were so happy at the fact that they were getting a gift, even though they didn’t even know what the gift was yet. Once everyone had been matched up and found a spot to sit. They began opening their gifts, the looks on their faces were priceless. Filled with smiles, excitement, and happiness. Especially after they noticed it was things they wished for. 

DECA President, Liv George, expresses her favorite part of Adopt a Classroom, “Watching the kids' faces light up as they open their gifts. And they were exactly what they wished for. My match asked me, ‘How did you know exactly what I wanted? I love purple.’” 

Fields states, “It is honestly one of the highlights of the year for all parties involved. A lot of the elementary students do not receive personalized, fun gifts for the holidays. Seeing the faces of the elementary kids as they open up a present specifically purchased for them is such an incredible moment. The look on the ‘big kids [Hamilton students]’ faces seeing how happy their kid is to get this gift, even though it may only be $25, is the icing on the cake.” 

This event is one that makes you feel so good inside. Since you can physically see how happy you are making the kids. How much they like their gifts. How much it means for us to be there. DECA participates in a toy drive during the holidays for kids at Children’s hospital but only is allowed to drop off the toys. Adopting a Classroom makes it a lot more special because you can see their reactions. 

After the gifts were opened, we got to play with the kids for an hour and a half. They had a blast running around playing with their new toys. The day also included a dance competition, ultimate game of tag, sharks and minnows, basketball, soccer, and more. Creating lots of laughs and smiles. 

Sammy Seiler says, “My favorite part was playing games with the kids and interacting with them. I connected more with the kids when we played games with the kids. It made the visit more special.” 

Rohit Washikar explains his favorite part, “My favorite part was the dancing, it wasn't focused on one kid. You were able to play with all the kids and see the enjoyment in all the kids. I had fun with everyone.”

Everyone was sad when it was time to leave. My little partner hugged me a million times. She kept saying, “You are my best friend. I don’t want you to leave. I hope I have you again next year.” After my last hug goodbye, she started tearing up which made it so hard to leave. But showed how much of an impact we just made in these children's lives. We created bonds with them and provided them with joy. 

Fields adds, “My favorite part is seeing the interactions between the 1st grade class and our DECA members. They create such a quick bond and both sides have so much fun for the short hour and a half that we are there. It is so sweet afterwards as I often get asked if my students can keep in touch with the first graders because both sides miss the other. After only being together for a little over an hour, how cool is that?!”

Overall, Adopt a Classroom is an amazing event and I’m so glad I got to be a part of it. I hope Hamilton DECA continues to do this event for many years to come. Try to do a little something to help the community around the holidays. Remember a little goes a long way. 

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

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