The Past, The Present, and The Football Program

The Past, The Present, and The Football Program

Photo by Roberta Pratt

By Cora Kuhlenbeck

This past year, the football team gained a new head coach and along with it, a new program. Because of this change, the team had to learn to adapt and modify their tactics so as to keep improving with the changing program. 

“It’s always difficult to adapt to new coaches, but they really brought the positive energy and made it fun, which is what it’s all about.”
— Luke Wroblewski, senior safety

In an interview with Mr. Justin Gumm, the Press learned why athletes get into football, and why they end up staying. When asked what interested him in joining football, Gumm responded it was “because of the people who had an impact on my life growing up, specifically teachers and coaches.” It is these qualities that Gumm hopes to emulate as a coach, inspiring Hamilton’s athletes and helping them grow as individuals. Many of the football players themselves also commented on what prompted them to join football. 

Nick Lange, a senior who plays cornerback, says the reason he joined football was “because of the competitiveness and teamwork aspects that the sport offers.”

Brady Batzko, a senior tight end, states, “I played football ever since I was a kid up until high school, but then my friends insisted I play my senior year.”

As for the actual season overall, the team hopes to improve their record next year. Hamilton’s football record came down to three wins and six losses this past Covid season. “I would have liked to win a few more games; I had a little higher expectations for this year,” stated Gumm. 

Despite “Covid’s own set of challenges,” Gumm believes the team persevered through the obstacles they faced, always giving their best effort. Even though Hamilton lost to Brookfield Central and Germantown, the athletes fought hard to make the score close, but they plan on making the score even closer next year. The football team also excelled at “always showing up to practice, ready to work and better themselves, even in the face of adversity,” Coach Gumm states. Their flexibility with which they handled game and practice changes showed their “impressive maturity and positive attitude” that enhanced their overall growth as a team. 

Head Coach Gumm emphasizes that the seniors gave it their all for their last season: “I felt good about the senior group and the culture they laid.” It was not quite the last season the seniors hoped for, but they were still determined to make it as best as possible. 

Batzko reflects on the senior season: “There were a lot of bumps in the road with injuries and people being gone due to contact tracing, but overall we played through it and I think we are leaving behind a good path for future seasons.”

    Because this season was so abnormal due to Covid, the team is hoping to come back stronger and better than ever next year. “The two big pillars that we need to work on for next year is physicality and leadership”, Gumm states. Not only does the team need to work on becoming faster and stronger on the field, but also mentally. Having a positive and stable mentality provides the team with a good foundation that they can then build off of. Leadership, too, is a core aspect of any sport, but especially when it comes to football. “I felt that we had some quality leaders in our senior class, but I think there’s a difference between doing what you're supposed to do, and holding other people accountable,” Gumm comments. The best way to attain high standards involves leaders setting those standards, which will influence the rest of the team to do the same. Because of this mentality, the football team has made it their goal to become a player-led program. By encouraging individuals themselves to take action and leadership roles, the team and the program can only improve for the future. 

Batzko believes “there is always room for improvement no matter how good you are, but I think there were a lot of distractions with Covid. Next year the team just needs to stay on track and focus on winning.”

The team as a whole had some pretty memorable moments this past year. When asked what his favorite memory was from this season, Coach Gumm responded: “That’s tough because we had some good ones, but probably beating Homestead in our postseason bracket.” Hamilton’s football team gave it their all against their “tradition-rich” rivals, sending the seniors out on a win at home field.

Lange also said his most memorable moment was winning their last game. “After a challenging season with new coaches, a new program, and Covid, it was exciting to come together as a team and go out on a win.”

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