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A Letter to My Teammates

A Letter to My Teammates

To my teammates: 

I could never thank you enough for everything you have given me this past season. Passion, perseverance, integrity, and drive. You guys have it all and I am beyond honored to have been a part of this team that I can now call family. 

From the very first practice, I remember feeling nervous and wondering how I would be perceived as a senior who had absolutely no clue what she was doing. But I was greatly surprised. Right from that first practice, girls from all levels were immediately accepting. You all constantly encouraged me, motivated me, and were always there when I had a question. If I didn’t understand something, you were more than willing to take the time to explain it. But your gratitude didn’t just extend to the seniors. Over the course of this season, I saw everyone helping everyone. If one of our teammates was feeling down, you all stepped up. In just the first week of practice I already knew that you guys were defining what it means to be true teammates. 

Just like most sports, I have come to learn that rugby requires an intense amount of physical and mental toughness. Well, that is exactly what this team has. This team continuously applies themselves at every practice, every game, and every day. You all show up and put forth the effort every coach, every team, and every crowd wants to see. This team is built on the shoulders of each and every one of you tenacious athletes who have a drive like no other. 

Hamilton Girls Rugby simply does not quit. 

Many of you know that here at Hamilton our mantra is “character matters” and I can honestly say it is your character that Hamilton is referring to. Nowhere have I ever seen as much heart than in the character of this team. 

But it isn’t just a team, it's a family. 

I’ve played tennis and soccer, I’ve done swimming, I ran track and cross country, and let me tell you I have never experienced such an accepting team like this one. The athletic environment that you have created is unparalleled. While you uphold the integrity, determination, and work ethic of every champion, you never fail to put the team before yourself. Every day, you strive to better yourselves with the goal of bettering the entire team. 

I originally joined rugby as an outlet of enjoyment- purely for fun after an underwhelming first semester of senior year. Life was a constant rotation of school, work, and college preparation. It felt like everything I was doing was for my future self, instead of myself right now. I needed a source of exhilaration in my life. That’s why I joined rugby. But it’s not why I stayed. 

You, my teammates, are the reason. You are why others see the Hamilton Girls Rugby program and desire to feel that same sense of drive, character, and ultimately, family. 

From dressing up like Mac at practice, to dance parties between games, and all the memories in between, I’m proud to say that I was a part of something as great as this team. 

Even though this was my first and last year, it was truly an unforgettable experience. In just a single season, I have experienced what every athlete dreams of. Just being surrounded by such a diverse group of young women, who excel at everything they do, was an honor in every way. And your excellence has clearly proven itself in all the trophies that Holloway so “humbly” displays in his classroom. 

The thing is though, that those trophies don’t just display a win. They are concrete proof of your determination, your effort, and most importantly, your unwavering heart.

So thank you. Thank you for taking me in right from the very first practice. Thank you for the work ethic you applied everyday. Thank you for embodying the heart of true athletes. Thank you for reigniting my love in sports. But most importantly, thank you for showing me what a true team is. 

-Sincerely, Cora Kuhlenbeck

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