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Dreamwalk: Hamilton’s Newest One Act

Dreamwalk: Hamilton’s Newest One Act

Photos submitted by Steighner.

Lauren Steighner

What would you do if you didn’t have much time left? How would you continue on every day when you have already lost everything? How could you try to hold your family together if it was falling apart right before your eyes? These are the complicated questions that the Hamilton Drama students answer with their newest competitive one act.

This fall, Hamilton Drama Society took on the challenge of putting on Dreamwalk by Eddie Kennedy. This show is unlike anything ever performed on the Hamilton Drama stage, as it deals with a heart wrenching topic that nearly everyone can relate to. 

From left to right: senior Jenna Korban as 'Alesia', junior Lauren Steighner as 'Elizabeth'

The play follows Elizabeth(Junior Lauren Steighner) as she deals with family struggles and depression. Her diagnosis with cancer ripped apart her family, and the only person who understands what she is going through is her best friend Dani(Junior Emma Suneja). Dani knows what it is like to have family and friends feel distant, especially amidst a cancer diagnosis. Dani tries to help, but during a confrontation between Elizabeth, her sister Alesia(Senior Jenna Korban), and the minister’s son Thomas(Junior Andrew Steele), we realize that there are two sides to every story, and we all do things we regret in times of need. 

This cast of four has been working since June in order to give this sensitive topic the time and consideration it deserves. Their first competition is at Waterford Union on October 26th. 

As this cast dove deep into their scripts in the weeks before their first competition, they truly felt the weight of the show, and the heavy topics that they are presenting. This show is unique in the sense that it is truly devastating, even by Hamilton One Act standards, which are known for being tragic. We interviewed the cast: 

What is your favorite part of the show?

“My favorite part of the one act is when Elizabeth and Alesia are interacting because it genuinely gives me chills. Watching their interactions makes me feel what the actors are portraying, which is such a cool feeling when you know how hard they’ve worked.” - Emma Suneja, ‘Dani’

“My favorite part of the show is when all of the characters are onstage at once. Although it only lasts for a few lines, there is such an interesting dynamic between each of us. It is so cool to feel that awkward energy onstage and see how people act offstage during these uncomfortable and funny moments.” - Jenna Korban, ‘Alesia’

“My favorite part of the show is when we get to play off of each other onstage. We all have so much fun together creating the energy of the show, and it is such a great thing to experience. While we are all individually talented, together we are able to work to create something truly special and one of a kind.” - Andrew Steele, ‘Thomas’

From left to right: junior Emma Suneja as 'Dani', junior Lauren Steighner as 'Elizabeth'

How can you relate to your character?

“Just like Dani, I try to hide the bad parts of my life with humor. It is my coping mechanism so I can relate to Dani in that sense. I also love being with my friends and I would do anything for them. In the same way that Dani takes care of Elizabeth, I try to take care of my friends.” - Suneja

“Alesia plays an essential role in the narrative because she shows the other perspective. I can relate to her because she shares the universal experience of supporting someone during a hard time. There have been many times in my life where, just like Alesia, I have ignored my feelings in order to support someone in my life who may have it worse. Alesia shows us that there is also an emotional and psychological toll on the loved ones of people going through difficult times, which is just as important.” - Korban

“I’m able to connect to my character in the way someone reflects on their old self. Thomas is someone who still looks at the world through the eyes of a 9 year old, constantly looking out for others and seeing all the good things in life. Even though Thomas is 18, when getting into character, I try to channel myself at that young age. Sometimes it’s hard having to relive that part of me, but it is also very rewarding in a sense. I believe it will influence me as a person, making me still feel all of the positive “everything is gonna workout alright” feelings we did as kids.” - Steele

Director Sarah Plamann has been working with these students for months, teaching them different ways to connect with their characters, and always being there to keep them rooted in what is most important: telling the story. She is incredibly hopeful for the success of Dreamwalk, and is very excited to start competitions! Below, Plamann answered a few questions regarding the show:

What is your favorite thing about this show?

“The process!!! I honestly love watching the struggle of the students as they wrestle with each character, discovering them and their story, and figuring out how to bring it to life in an honest way. It's hard work, but when each person has their breakthrough, it is the most AMAZING thing to watch unfold!!” 

Why do you hope the students take from this experience?

“I hope they walk away having discovered something new about themselves. Whether it's something they are capable of, relating to someone/something in a new and different way, a new appreciation for the art form that is theatre, or just something new that they never realized before. And a sense of self-confidence in what they are capable of, and the potential that still lies ahead of them.”

Why do you think it is important to bring emotional pieces to the stage at Hamilton? 

“Theatre was created to say something. There are so many important stories that exist in the world that deserve a chance to be told. And some of those stories are hard. Then, there are some students who are looking for different ways to stretch and push themselves as actors and humans, and these kinds of pieces have tended to be a great place for it.”

When reading possible scripts for this one act, what about Dreamwalk made you select it? 

“It just felt right. It's hard to explain, but sometimes you just know. It's like the story finds me, finds us, and asks us to tell it. I know that sounds cooky, but it's true. I didn't realize at the time, though, how much closer to home for me it would end up being. It's definitely the right story at the right time with the right people.”

Dreamwalk will be coming to the Hamilton Fine Arts center for a performance open to the public on Monday, November 25th, at 7pm. We hope to see you there! Let's “PAC the FAC”!!

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