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Do You Need a Job?

Do You Need a Job?

Screenshot of Hamilton’s Job Board

Emily Hokanson

As summertime approaches, there are many job opportunities becoming available! If you’re in-need of a job, a great resource for you is the Hamilton Job Board!

What Is The HHS Job Board?

The document showcases several local job opportunities suitable for HHS students! Each job opportunity listed includes: the employer, job description, and contact information! 

The link to the document can be found on the High School Student Services page on the Hamilton School District website!

Here is a direct link to the HHS Job Board:

HHS Job Board

Who Runs The Document?

Melody Williams, Hamilton’s Scholarship Liaison, maintains and updates this document alongside the Scholarship List document! If you have any questions or know of a company that could be added to the Job Board, please contact Mrs. Williams through her email:

The HHS Job Board is a great way for HHS students to find local job opportunities! Bookmark this site and make sure to share with your friends and family!

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