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December Teacher Feature: Mrs. Tasev

December Teacher Feature: Mrs. Tasev

All photos provided by Jessica Tasev.

Sienna Kenney

Jessica Tasev is one of Hamilton’s new teachers this year, but she is not entirely new to Hamilton! She attended Hamilton High School before going to Marquette University in Milwaukee. This year is her eleventh year teaching and she was just previously at Whitnall High School before coming to teach here. Outside of school, Mrs. Tasev has a husband, a one-year-old daughter, and a dog named Gizmo. She also has 2 sisters and 3 nieces. Her hobbies include being outside, traveling, and visiting aquariums. 

Continue reading to learn more about Mrs. Tasev!

What would students be surprised to know about you?

I went to high school here. Ms. Wainio was my first ever high school science teacher. The room in which I currently teach is the room where I first learned chemistry. 

If you won 100 million dollars, what would you buy first?

A saltwater fish tank with a peacock mantis shrimp.

What would your perfect room/classroom look like?

The sinks at my lab stations would not be located in the center and would not have the stupid skinny faucets. I would have windows that open and a dog would take residence (away from the chemicals). I would have a giant fish tank somewhere (ideally, built into the wall). My newline board would come off of the whiteboard area and move around the room. 

What Crayola Crayon color are you? (The more specific the better!)


Are there more wheels or more doors in the world?


If you could teach any other subject, what would it be?


What's your favorite age group to teach (freshman, sophomore, etc)?

It depends on the day. Every grade has their good and bad days. 

What’s your favorite place on earth?

The Georgia Aquarium.

What would you rather do: meet your future self, or go back in time and talk with your past self? Why?

I would talk with my past self. I spent a lot of my life being very anxious and worried about things that either didn’t warrant the energy or were out of my control. I would tell myself to enjoy the moment and take pride in the journey. 

What got you interested in teaching?

I knew I wanted a job where I felt like I could make a difference and work with people. I thought about the impact my own teachers had on my life and felt that was a significant way to make at least a small impact on the world. 

How do you think students will remember you or your class?

I think students will remember all of my weird/dorky mannerisms. I hope they remember feeling excited to come to class and that they felt they could be themselves in my room. 

What book or movie would you recommend to your students?

Book: ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil’ 

Movie: ‘The Social Dilemma’ 

What fictional character best represents you?

Patrick from Schitt’s Creek.

What is your favorite TV Show? Movie?

My favorite TV show is The Good Place. My favorite movie is The Martian. 

Is there anything you wish you would’ve known as a first year teacher?

It gets easier and more enjoyable. This job isn’t life and death. Your students will understand if/when you make mistakes. The most important lessons taken from your classroom likely have nothing to do with your subject area.

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