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DECA Adopt-a-Classroom 2023

DECA Adopt-a-Classroom 2023

Photo from Hamilton DECA.

Alex Yan

DECA is an international organization that prepares students for careers in business, finance, hospitality, marketing, and more. DECA nurtures both high school and college students to reach their full potential in their careers. From competitions and conferences to community services and fun events, DECA fosters skills like leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving.  

Specifically, Hamilton DECA does numerous things to benefit society. They participate in food drives, toy drives, fundraising events, and more. Personally, I have been in DECA for the last three years, and it has been fun, amazing, and enlightening. I’ve been able to meet new people and improve my knowledge and leadership skills in the business industry to a level I never would have expected. 

Recently, Hamilton DECA went on a heartwarming trip called “Adopt-a-Classroom” to grant kids’ wishes in the Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) school district. This is a trip we look forward to annually. Before the day of the trip, members are given a kid and their name on a sheet. With this, we learn a little about our kid and what gifts they desire. After preparing the gifts, some Chargers suit up in festive attire to meet the kids.  

On December 21, we began our big day for Adopt-a-Classroom. Before arriving at the elementary school, we stopped by Culver's to grab lunch. We had a great time and were certainly ready to meet the kids soon. On the bus ride from Culver’s to the school, there were rumbles of excitement as we prepared to have fun and meet the kids. After arriving, DECA members met with their kids for the first time and opened the gifts with them. The gifts consisted of fun toys like Legos, RC cars, coloring books, etc. One amazing thing to witness was the joy and excitement the kids had. 

According to junior DECA member Raj Ramanathan, “They reacted with grace and joy, and they looked as though they were truly in the holiday spirit.” Members could see their eyes shine when they received gifts they thought they might never have been able to get. 

HHS junior John Baker said, “I feel that we have provided these kids with a great memory, as well as taken weight off their parents’ shoulders by giving these kids gifts.” This has some great meaning in that these kids’ families aren’t as privileged and may not be able to afford gifts annually. By giving gifts to these kids, as Baker said, we can make a huge difference in these kids’ lives. Overall, the act of giving was a very wholesome and heartwarming experience that will be remembered by both the members and the kids for years to come.

After playing with the toys together, everyone gathered outside to play on the playground. They played on the slides, enjoyed juice and cookies, and even played tag. One highlight from my experience was playing tag with my kid, Jaykim. We played tag for what seemed like forever, and man, he didn't run out of energy! Though I felt pretty exhausted from chasing him and climbing after him, the smile on his face kept me going. Instead of tag, many others played on the slides and the swings while enjoying snacks. 

When we were done with time outside on the playground, everyone went to the basketball court to play some group games. In these group games, we played Sharks and Minnows. This game was amazing for bonding with the kids. A heartwarming moment was when members would give the kids piggyback rides, and the kids were ecstatic. As kids latched onto their newfound friend’s back for an awesome piggyback ride, we could hear the squeals of joy and excitement.  

As the trip came to an end, DECA and the kids said their goodbyes. Since many strong connections were formed, it was very hard for us to leave each other, and we embraced in many hugs. The great thing about this year is that DECA added a new thing where we set up a pen pal system with the school so we could write to the kids, and they could write back every month. I can say that I truly appreciated this trip and enjoyed every part of it, especially the monthly letters! The kids write such cute and funny letters, and it is 100% something to look forward to monthly. 

HHS junior Natalie Olson says, “I love that we are staying in touch with the students! It provides the elementary students with a fun activity every month and provides the high school students an additional opportunity to give back to the community. I remember my elementary school pen pal program and how excited I was to receive a letter every month. Now I’m so excited I’m able to provide that same joy to another child in the Milwaukee community.”

All in all, Adopt a Classroom filled the air with warmth and joys that words simply cannot explain. Each child’s face radiated with pure happiness, and the room, once quiet, was then alive with laughter and chatter. The generosity of DECA had transformed this ordinary day into a beacon of hope and kindness for these kids. These gifts weren’t some ordinary items; they were symbols of love, care, and joy that every kid deserves. Events such as this will forever strengthen the community and create an unbreakable bond between communities. 

All photos provided by Hamilton DECA.

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