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Coaching Profiles: Meet Coach Abby Mealey

Coaching Profiles: Meet Coach Abby Mealey

Photos submitted by Ms. Mealey.

Addie Hess

This 2024-2025 school year, Hamilton has welcomed a new JV Cheerleading coach who joined the program at the beginning of the season in June.  Members of the cheer team, including myself, have found our new coach, Ms. Abby Mealey, to be an influential and positive asset this year. 

Junior Madi Gaar stated the following about Coach Abby, “She's a very good coach who cares about us and our sport.” 

Junior Emilie Murano added, “Considerate but tough, especially when it comes to respecting ourselves and each other.” 

One of the notable things about Coach Abby is that she was recently a student here at Hamilton High School. Most of you wonder, “Why would she want to come back?” Well, read on to see why.

How have your first few months been coaching here at Hamilton?

Great! Stressful at times, but I’m glad to be back in the Hamilton athletic program again.

What is one of the main things you want to bring to Hamilton cheer?

A new positive dynamic to coaching.

What year did you graduate from Hamilton?

I graduated with the class of 2019!

If you could be any animal what would it be and why?

A lioness because I'm calm until the claws have to come out!

What teachers do you miss?

I’d definitely have to say Mr. Seely and Mr. Heckman!

What is your favorite part of coaching?

Making an impact and being a resource to the team.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Instead of working? I like to be outside, but I'm usually either at Hamilton coaching or at work.

What was your favorite part of high school cheer?

Winning state my senior year!

What is one thing you learned from cheer that you still use to this day?

My loud yelling voice!

What was cheer like when you were here compared to now? 

A lot more attitude today. I would have never questioned the decisions made by my coaches.

What are some things you want everyone to know about Hamilton cheer?

 It is a real sport. We work hard and we are more than what you see on the sideline. Like Shrek says, we have layers, like onions. 

What is your favorite cheer? What is your least favorite cheer? 

My favorite cheer is “Let's Get Fired Up,” and my least favorite cheer is “Pump Up That Score.”

Was cheer the only thing you participated in during high school?

 Sport wise, yes, and I did yearbook club for a year.

Did you cheer for all 4 years of high school?

Yes! I was on JV my freshman and sophomore year and Varsity my junior and senior year!

What is your favorite part of your day?

Waking up or going to bed.

What are your goals for the team? 

To win all our competitions!

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