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Best Buddies Friendship Walk

Best Buddies Friendship Walk

Image from Hamilton Best Buddies.

We’d like to invite you to join us for this year’s Best Buddies Friendship Walk on Sunday, May 5th, 2024. The Best Buddies Friendship Walk is the number one walk in the country raising awareness and funds to support inclusion for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). When you walk with us, you’ll be growing our local Best Buddies program which is dedicated to one-to-one friendships, leadership development, and inclusive  opportunities for ALL.   

We will once again be hosting the Hamilton School District chapters (HHS, TMS, SSI Best Buddies Groups) here at Hamilton High School on the track on May 5th from 11:00am-1:00pm. Please see the tentative schedule for the afternoon below.

  • 11:00-1:00PM In-person walk with our chapter starts @ HHS on the track (at the football field pavilion on the side closest to TMS)  

NEW this year:  Live Music provided by “Kitty Soft Paw”  

  • End of the Year Celebration at the HHS football field pavilion

    • 12:00-12:15PM Raffle drawing

    • 12:15-12:30PM Senior Recognition

    • 12:30-1:00PM Field Games 

In order to join us for the walk, please register online (so we have an idea of how many people to expect that day):

  • Sign up:

  •  (Best Buddies Hamilton Sussex Team)

  • There is no cost to register, but any amount donated would be appreciated as it goes toward covering our annual Best Buddies dues.  Raising $50 when you register earns you a Friendship Walk t-shirt.  

  • Family members and friends are welcome- just register please :

Thank you and hope to see you there ~ HHS Best Buddies

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