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A Farewell from Mrs. Newcomer

A Farewell from Mrs. Newcomer

Photo from Pexels by Pixabay

Dear Graduating Class of 2023,

As every school year comes to a close, it never fails that I am filled with a mix of emotions. Of course, I am excited to see you all move on to the next chapter of your lives and pursue your dreams. I am also sad to say goodbye because I wish I could spend more time getting to know each of you.

As many of you may remember, I started my time as the principal of this school when you all entered your freshman year. Because of that, the class of 2023 will always have a special place. We have been through a lot of educational and world challenges together, but we made it! Through it all, you were full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination, and it was clear that you were going to achieve great things.

And achieve great things you did! Over the past four years, you have excelled in every area of school life. Your accomplishments in athletics, activities, and academics are too numerous to list, but I want to take a moment to acknowledge just a few of the things that have made me particularly proud.

In athletics, you have been true champions. You have won numerous titles and awards, but more importantly, you have shown what it means to be a team player and to work hard towards a common goal.

In activities, you have shown creativity, passion, and dedication. Your performances, productions, and events have been nothing short of amazing, and they have brought joy and entertainment to the entire school community.

In academics, you have set the bar high. Your academic achievements have been outstanding, and you have proven that you are capable of succeeding in even the most challenging of subjects.

But beyond your achievements, what has truly made this class stand out is your kindness, your compassion, and your willingness to help others. You have created a school culture that is inclusive, welcoming, and supportive, and you have set an example for future classes to follow.

As you prepare to leave us and move on to the next phase of your lives, I want you to know that you will always be a part of our school community. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and I have no doubt that you will go on to achieve even greater things. Congratulations on your graduation, and remember that you will always have a home here at Hamilton.

Go Chargers!

-Mrs. Newcomer

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