Hellbound: A Must Watch Netflix Show

Hellbound: A Must Watch Netflix Show

Photo from Netflix

Akhil Pidikiti 

“Making The World A Better Place Through Intimidation And Condemnation? That Reminds Me Of A Place Called Hell.” Netflix has recently released another smash-hit Korean drama, Hellbound, that has topped ratings in over 80 different countries within 24 hours of premiering. Not only has this show replaced Squid Games for the top show on Netflix, but it has done so within a day of premiering. The show revolves around a plethora of characters being thrust into tense, gruesome situations, only to be ripped apart at the hands of shadowy hulk-like figures.

The show opens with a man sitting in a coffee shop. Hands tremblings, his eyes dart around the room, almost like he’s expecting something to happen. The man checks his phone, as the clock strikes 1:20. The coffee shop shakes, sweat drips down the man’s forehead. “THUMP.” Suddenly, three monstrous grey creatures smash into the coffee shop. With no explanation of any sort, these demon-like figures start pummeling this man into the ground. Horrified bystanders watch as this man is beaten to the edge of death. The gruesome scene ends with the three monsters seemingly burning the body until it’s nothing but a charred, black corpse. As suddenly as they came, the monsters simply jumped through a makeshift portal back into whatever realm they came from, seemingly disappearing into the daylight in mere seconds.  Flashing phones, horrified screams, and echoing sirens surround the scene, as the clip fades from view. This gory scene has already set a chaotic and dark tone for the show. The audience is left with millions of questions as they anticipate what’s to come next. 

Hellbound is set in a not-too-distant futuristic version of Seoul, South Korea. Visited by the same wispy prophets of doom, random people are told that they are destined for hell and their day of divine judgment is inevitable. Given the precise time and date of their imminent death, these people are left waiting for their forceful entry into Hell. While the monsters play an important role in the show, it’s not all that this show is about. Hellbound is more focused on how society reacts as they realize that a higher power is in play. Law enforcement agencies are left defenseless, with some of them being at risk of divine judgment as well. The main aspect of this show is how religion quickly takes hold of a crumbling society in the wake of the monsters’ destruction and prophecies. The first season includes three different arcs, each with a different set of characters facing their respective set of problems that came along with the newfound destruction.  

A common statement that one may hear when enduring life’s hardships is “no one can explain why God does what he does” or “we need to trust in what God does.” Hellbound truly explores just how far society is willing to explore and enforce this statement. New Truth, a prominent religious cult arises amidst all the chaos. This group mainly enforces the law that if one sins, then God will enact his punishment through his demonic shadows. Jinsu, the leader, preaches about God’s caring nature towards humanity, how he is punishing us as an act of love to teach us something of value. As society becomes brainwashed by the New Truth’s morals and preachings, the show’s dramatic aura starts to exude a grimmer tone. This becomes increasingly visible once the multitude of plot twists set in twists that I can’t reveal for obvious reasons. 

Hellbound is a show that wrestles with the power of faith and God, and while the trio of shadowy monsters may seem absurd, the madness in the show is definitely believable. Yet, for all the twisted morals and teachings this show explores, towards its end, it offers a glimmer of light and redemption.  For every shard of darkness, there is always a miracle waiting to happen in the world.

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