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Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope

♈Aries: March 21- April 19

Aries, the week ahead will be complicated. Make adjustments and adapt to keep moving forward. However, slowing down a little may be in your best interest. Acting without thinking can lead to frustration, embarrassment, and other unintended consequences. You are a fire sign. You are like a match lit in the darkness. There's a sudden flame that lights up the room. But because it's a match, it goes out quickly. Don’t waste your energy, your fire, on trivial things.

♉Taurus: April 20- May 20

Taurus, the week ahead will be rocky. Change is on the horizon, but you may be torn about which way to go. Be patient and make sure you are well-informed before making any major decisions. Talk to your loved ones to gain insight. Once you absolutely have to make a decision, go with your gut. You commit to your decisions, so make sure to choose something that you will be happy with in the future as well as in the present. This week will be challenging, but stick it out and make the best of it.

♊Gemini: May 21- June 20

Gemini, the week ahead will be stimulating. There’s a lot going on for you; you have multiple projects to juggle! Your different passions have manifested themselves in different areas of your life, so there’s always something for you to work on. If you find yourself getting distracted or bored with one project, switch to another. As long as you don’t get bogged down, solutions will come to you. You will find answers to your questions and curiosities this week. 

♋Cancer: June 21- July 22

Cancer, the week ahead will be irritating. As a water sign, you can flow around obstacles, and this skill will be put to the test. Allow small irritations this week to flow off of you like drops of water. The biggest irritation of this week will be a challenge to your beliefs. Someone may get in your face and tell you that you’re wrong, but don’t dismiss them out of hand. Use this call-out as an opportunity to evaluate your beliefs and grow as a person. There may be a kernel of truth in what they are saying, so take advantage of it. 

♌Leo: July 23- August 22

Leo, the week ahead will be igniting. The friction of two sticks rubbing together creates a fire, and fire can spread. The combination of your spontaneity and passion may prompt you to escape the situation you’re in, but this may not be the best path for you. Don’t let the fire of your spirit overwhelm you or your loved ones. Take a deep breath, a step back, and a break if you need one. Invest your time and energy into the things that matter, and forget about everything that doesn’t.  

♍Virgo: August 23- September 22

Virgo, the week ahead will be inventive. Use the obstacles in your life as jumping-off points for innovation. Make some goals and work around any other issues in your life. Focus on your passion projects, and if you don’t have any, this is a great week to start one. However, this week it is important that you operate in your comfort zone. You should never be afraid to take calculated risks, but try not to break the rules. There will be consequences. 

♎Libra: September 23- October 22

Libra, the week ahead will be exasperating. Little things will set you off if you’re not careful. Remember that your chores, homework, and other mundane tasks are still important, even if you don’t like them. Where possible, make adjustments in your life to get through annoying tasks. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself to keep up your motivation. Instead of getting irritated, look for adjustments you can make that will improve the quality of your life.

♏Scorpio: October 23- November 21

Scorpio, the week ahead will be introspective. You may look for a deeper meaning in your everyday life, but it is important to remember that not everything has one. Your life may feel like all work and no play, so seeking out this other meaning may find you fulfillment. However, remember that this “every day is the same” feeling will pass, and you just have to ride it out. 

♐Sagittarius: November 22- December 21

Sagittarius, the week ahead will be frustrating. You may experience the “snowball effect”; little irritating things may pile up into one irritating week. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Make sure you don’t bottle up your negative emotions this week; talk to a trusted loved one about how you’re feeling. If you can let out your negative emotions, they won’t snowball into a big issue. You’re a fire sign, so you may feel the need to explode from time to time, but letting out your feelings will help you avoid this. 

♑Capricorn: December 22- January 19

Capricorn, the week ahead will be fundamental. Without a strong foundation, a building can topple over. You may feel the need to jump into big decisions, but make sure to tread lightly. While the decisions you make may not be life-changing, they will speak to your fundamental nature. Survey the possibilities, listen to others, and plan for your future. You can move forward, but make sure you are ready to do so.

♒Aquarius: January 20- February 18

Aquarius, the week ahead will be challenging. There may be outcomes to decisions that you have made in the past, and these outcomes may not be what you expected. However, this does not have to be a bad thing. Take everything in stride and keep your head up. Continue to make good decisions, and your future self will thank you for it. If you make bad decisions, the weeks ahead will be even more challenging than this one.

♓Pisces: February 19- March 20

Pisces, the week ahead will be pensive. You may not be happy with where your life is, and you may blame yourself for this unhappiness, but being negative helps no one. This is a good week to choose a new way to speak to yourself. Treat yourself the way you treat others, with kindness, compassion, and understanding. This will help you achieve your goals and support yourself. This week, affirmations would be good, visualization is helpful, and doing both is ideal.

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