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Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope

Design by Cora Kuhlenbeck

Nikki Nair

♈Aries: March 21- April 19

Aries, the week ahead will be productive. You’ve been wanting certain things for a while, and they may start to finally show up. In fact, a close friend may come through for you this week. You need to clearly communicate what you want, both to yourself and your friend. Not only do you need communication this week, you also need to control your temper. People are more likely to help you if you are kind to them.

♉Taurus: April 20- May 20

Taurus, the week ahead will be efficient. Take action, and you will be rewarded. Maybe not right now, but you will see rewards for this week’s actions. To maximize these rewards, consider teaming up with someone else. You already have a strong work ethic, but working with someone else can push you to work even harder. They can inspire you to try something new. And for efficiency, brainstorming new ideas is a must. 

♊Gemini: May 21- June 20

Gemini, the week ahead will be crucial. Your actions this week could help set the tone for your next big adventure. Take some time to evaluate where your life is going and what you want out of it. Talk to your loved ones and carefully consider all your options. Don’t be afraid to change trajectory a few times. Stay true to yourself, and you’ll find your way, even if the path seems rocky at first. 

♋Cancer: June 21- July 22

Cancer, the week ahead will be full of opportunities and frustrations. On one hand, you may find a brand-new hobby or revisit an old one. Keep an open mind when it comes to these opportunities in order to maximize their potential. However, you may also experience an increase in day-to-day frustrations. Your computer may be slow, or you may feel unsatisfied with your work. Allow yourself to feel these emotions, breathe, and then move on with your day. 

♌Leo: July 23- August 22

Leo, the week ahead will be emotionally challenging. You may find yourself needing to lean on someone else. This is hard for you, since you pride yourself on your self-control and independence, but it is more than okay to accept a helping hand. Trust in those who deserve it. Let go of the reservations holding you back. Extraordinary things can happen when you allow space for them to happen. 


♍Virgo: August 23- September 22

Virgo, it’s important to remember the big picture this week. You always have a lot going on, so in the week ahead, don’t forget your end goal. Also, make sure that your priorities match your goals/tasks in order to achieve exactly what you want. Allocate your energy to the highest items on your priority list and keep the big picture in mind; with these two things, you will be well on your way to your idea of success. 

♎Libra: September 23- October 22

Libra, the week ahead will be adventurous. You may have a desire to start something new, and it’s a great idea to act on this thought. If you’ve been avoiding something, this week may be the perfect time to tackle it head on. Throw caution to the wind when it comes to your irrational fears. This is a great week to try things differently. If it doesn’t work, you can always go back to normal next week.

♏Scorpio: October 23- November 21

Scorpio, the week ahead will be rewarding. The hard work you’ve done will finally be acknowledged. In fact, you may even be able to improve certain parts of your life because of the work you’ve put in in the past few weeks. Don’t take these improvements for granted. You worked hard for this, so allow yourself to celebrate. Keep working hard, and the weeks following could look a lot like this one! 

♐Sagittarius: November 22- December 21

Sagittarius, there may be a new relationship in the works this week. Be adventurous and talk to people outside your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to reach out to old friends either; sometimes the best “new” relationship is really just an old one revisited. This is a great week for connecting with others, so take advantage of it. And who knows, there may be someone special just around the corner! 

♑Capricorn: December 22- January 19

Capricorn, allow yourself some grace this week. You’ve been working very hard, but remember that delegation and relaxation are both necessary for future productivity. It may feel like your work will never end, but there are bigger and better things waiting for you, and you just need to get there. If you need help managing your stress, lean on your loved ones. Things will fall into place soon! 

♒Aquarius: January 20- February 18

Aquarius, the week ahead will bring good news. Something you have been asking for may finally arrive. This is a great week to celebrate your accomplishments and have fun. You may be busy and tired, but don’t forget to schedule in some down time. You deserve it more than anyone. Celebrate this week, and recharge for the next! 

♓Pisces: February 19- March 20

Pisces, you will discover new information about yourself this week. It may be a hidden talent or a favorite food, but you will learn more about what makes you, you. Tap into this energy and create something you are proud of. However, don’t get frustrated if this new talent takes time and energy. Irritation helps nothing and no one. Take a deep breath, pick up the paintbrush, and begin again. You’ll get it in no time! 

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