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Love is

Love is

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels.

Carly Ungerer


You could almost think

That I don’t believe in love.

Sometimes I wonder

Do I believe?

I think it depends.

I am no true believer

In soulmates

Or love at first sight

But I do believe in love

Because it is all around me,

Because love isn’t soulmates,

Or first glances, or fate.

Love is

The way my grandma hears her husband

Moving through their house,

Making it home.

Love is

My grandma’s tire marks in the grass

Of my aunt’s driveway

And the barking of the dog as she comes inside.

Love is

My sister’s shoes sitting at the door,

Her blanket thrown in the trunk of the car,

Waiting for her.

Love is

My dad getting coffee in the kitchen,

So he can joke with me

and make me laugh.

Love is

My mom in the living room,

Or in the car,

Calling my sister, her siblings, her family.

Love is a routine,

Settled into over years

Of being known.

Love is comfort,


A quiet understanding.

Love is trust,


A decision,

Made over and over.

In Heaven, My Friend

In Heaven, My Friend

