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The Top Five Ways Extracurricular Activities Will Improve Your Life

The Top Five Ways Extracurricular Activities Will Improve Your Life

Photo from Niche.

Kailyn Benoit

1) Teach Skills Not Taught in the Classroom

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Unlike grammar and algebra, valuable life skills are difficult to teach in a classroom environment. The only way to truly build goal setting, problem solving, teamwork, and leadership skills is through practice. Extracurricular activities are the perfect way to do this! Whether you are speaking in front of a judge in forensics, persevering through hard sports practices, or leading a robotics team to victory, participating in activities away from the classroom can provide you with an abundance of real-world skills!


2) Increase Time Management

Image From Skills4Life

Oftentimes, extracurricular activities can be viewed as a “productive break” (Crimson Editors, 2021). You are able to keep your mind active while doing something you enjoy, which can make it easier to refocus on less engaging tasks. Furthermore, those who are active participants in their activity are more likely to keep to a strict schedule, with alloted time             for each activity (Mountain Heights Academy, n.d.). That person is less likely to procrastinate on tasks and is more likely to be aware of the time they have to utilize. 

3) Help Discover Passions and Interests 

Being involved in extracurricular activities allows you to explore interests unrelated to the core subjects taught in a regular school day. This can lead to newly discovered passions, which may influence career choices later on down the road. Not only can it broaden your personal interests, but it can also broaden your perspective on the world around you (Good Schools Guide).

4) Build a Broad Social Network

Image From College Forward

I think everyone can agree that making friends in high school can be a challenge, especially when you are unable to find people with similar interests. Extracurricular activities are a great way to unite people with the same interests, which not only creates great topics for conversation, but can help build friendships. Additionally, those who create friendships in a club or sport or more likely to stay involved in order to continue to spend time with one another. 

5) Strengthen College Applications

According to the College Board, extracurriculars play an important role in college admissions because they show what you are like away from the classroom and what characteristics you can contribute to the student body (College Board, n.d.). However, when it comes to activities, quality means more than quantity.  Jeff Brenzel, Dean of Undergraduate Admissions at Yale University, stated, “My usual advice in this area is simply do things that you truly enjoy in high school, rather than trying to outguess an admissions committee” (n.d.). It doesn’t matter whether you are in three, two, or even one extracurricular, colleges will instead look at your commitment and overall contribution to the activity. 


Brenzel, J. (n.d.). Do colleges want quality or a quantity of activities? College Board. Retrieved January 13, 2022, from

College Board. (n.d.). Extracurriculars matter — to you and to Colleges. College Board.

Crimson Editors. (2021, April 15). Top 8 benefits of extracurricular activities for high school students. Crimson Education.

Good Schools Guide. (n.d.). The advantages of extracurricular activities. Good Education Media.

Mountain Heights Academy. (n.d.). Why extracurricular activities are so important. Mountain Heights Academy. Retrieved January 13, 2022, from

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