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Southern Wisconsin WALK to End Hydrocephalus

Southern Wisconsin WALK to End Hydrocephalus

Photo submitted by Ella Packer.

Ella Packer

On Saturday, August 19, 2023, I will be hosting the second annual WALK to End Hydrocephalus. The WALK will take place at the Hamilton High School track from 11am-2pm. 

Hydrocephalus is a condition in which excess fluid accumulates deep within the brain. This excess fluid causes the ventricles to widen, putting pressure on the brain's tissues.

Hydrocephalus and a shunt can mean a lifetime of multiple brain surgeries. Dozens of brain surgeries are common and 100 or more is not unheard of. At the age of 4 months my brother was diagnosed with hydrocephalus; only being a baby he had to undergo a brain surgery in which they placed a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt in his head in order to move the excess fluid down into his abdominal cavity. Around the age of 2, he had to undergo another brain surgery in which they had to do a shunt revision. 

The support for these walks nationwide has allowed for millions of dollars for research to help find a cure to end hydrocephalus. Since 2009, the Hydrocephalus Association has invested over $13 million in research, making it the largest non-profit, non-governmental funder of hydrocephalus research in the U.S.

Please take a few hours out of your day to come to our walk or consider making a donation if you are unable to attend! It would mean so much to me and my family, and would show support to the hundreds of thousands of people who suffer from this condition. All donations will go directly to the Hydrocephalus Association, and help us reach our goal of $15,000! We are looking forward to seeing you all at this year's  Southern Wisconsin WALK to End Hydrocephalus.

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