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Reaching Out For Bobby

Reaching Out For Bobby

All photos submitted by Emily Hokanson

Emily Hokanson

Last year I began a service project called Reaching Out For Bobby, in honor of my Great Uncle Bob whom I was very close with. The project focuses on connecting youth volunteers to the elderly population in local nursing homes through engaging activities. Since the beginning of this project in early April of 2022, I’ve held several activities at Newcastle, Dickinson Hollow, and The Courtyard nursing homes. Since those visits I’ve primarily planned activities at The Courtyard nursing home in Sussex. It’s been a true honor to be a part of something that’s brought so much joy to the people of this community.

Why might you be interested?

Reaching Out For Bobby is a great volunteer opportunity. If you’re a freshman, sophomore, or someone that isn’t involved in the National Honors Society, it can be difficult to find volunteer work that doesn’t require a big commitment. It’s also never too early to start getting involved in extracurriculars for both job and college applications. With this project you can volunteer as few or as many times as you would like. I’m always looking for more volunteers and ideas for fun activities! This is a great opportunity to contribute to your community and get involved.

What do we do?

As mentioned earlier in the article, this project focuses on bringing youth volunteers and the elderly community together through engaging activities. In the past I’ve done the following activities: rock painting, nail painting, holiday card making, trivia, and more! Arts and crafts are among one of the most popular activities because it allows the residents to be creative and have a good time while they relax. While doing these activities it’s a great time for volunteers to converse with residents and get to know them. In the future I’d like to look into more crafts or art projects we could do! The Courtyard is always holding exciting events for its residents and sometimes they need volunteers to keep those events in order. In fact, the activities director, Pat Durham, is planning a prom and fashion show for this upcoming spring at the nursing home!

The Impact

As someone who has worked at a nursing home, I’ve seen the struggle that residents go through when moving to a nursing home. Oftentimes people don’t realize that nursing homes can be very lonely, especially when a resident can’t drive or leave the home. This project is combatting that feeling of loneliness by bringing the fun to the residents. Volunteers and I have gotten to see firsthand the happiness and joy these activities bring to these residents. Residents always tell me how nice it is to relax and get to know the person they’re paired up with. The Courtyard has personally sent multiple thank-you cards to me and the groups that have volunteered. It’s truly an eye-opening experience that you will not regret being a part of.

Quotes from residents:

I always smile when I hear you guys are coming.
— Romana Petri
I’ve never had so much fun making Christmas cards before.
— Jodie Miller
I really appreciate you taking the time to be here.
— Barb Randolf
This is the most I’ve laughed in a long time.
— Jill Kent
This is my first activity I’ve been to but it will not be the last.
— Donna Marshall

Not Interested In Activities: Here’s Another Option

There are many ways you could contribute to Reaching Out For Bobby! If attending the activities isn’t for you, another option is contributing activity ideas. I’m always looking for new activities that haven’t been done before. If you ever come up with any ideas you can reach me at my school email, The other option is being a part of a pen pal program we will be starting in the near future. For this program you would write one letter a month to a resident from The Courtyard nursing home. More information about this will be released soon! Every contribution is greatly appreciated and if you ever have any questions or suggestions for me I’d love to hear them! 

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