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Save the Environment, Save the Earth

Save the Environment, Save the Earth

Photos by Cora Kuhlenbeck

Abbey Lemke

Earth Day is an annual event that falls on April 22, and its methods of recognition expand each year. Over 190 countries participate in this recognized day, while about 1 billion people take action to benefit the planet. Earth Day focuses on many challenges our environment is facing. Some include combating climate change, altering a divided environmental community, and creating opportunities for civic environmental volunteerism. These challenges  can be overcome by taking the important steps listed in the following interview. 

In a way of celebrating this holiday, I invited Mrs. Wainio, an AP Environmental Science teacher at Hamilton, to partake in a questionnaire. This interview will allow for readers to gain information and spread awareness of the importance in protecting the environment. 

Read on to hear Mrs. Wainio’s thoughts on staying environmentally friendly:

What does being environmentally friendly mean to you?

It means to be educated about your products you use meaning you know where they come from and what happens to them when you're done using them.

What are some things students can change at school to be more environmentally friendly? At home?

  • Drive less/carpool

  • Less clothes buying, resale, donate

  • Plant a garden

  • Reduce food waste

  • Eat 1 day without meat per week

  • Recycle CORRECTLY

  • Know how much water and energy it takes to make stuff

  • Know where products come from

  • Use less plastic because it comes from oil

  • Aluminum comes from tropical rainforest (bauxite)

  • Preserve electricity (start by not leaving lights on all day) because electricity comes from coal 

What are some long term effects of being environmentally friendly?

The main goal is sustainability which means that our children's children's children should be able to live the same way we currently live without having to make major sacrifices.

What is the biggest misconception of being environmentally friendly?

That you have to make huge sacrifices. Cutting things out is not attainable; work with your lifestyle.

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