What is the Student Ambassador Program?

What is the Student Ambassador Program?

The 2021-22 inaugural group of Hamilton Student Ambassadors poses for a group photo. Photo submitted by Sarah Kidd

Sarah Kidd

You may have noticed something different on the first day of school this year. Why were 50 kids wearing matching white t-shirts, and what was the reason? The answer to this question is the new initiative starting this year: the Student Ambassador Program. 

This program was developed in the last few months of school last year, and launched for the first time at Hamilton this fall. Kate Powell, Kayla Olson, and myself are the advocates and founders behind Student Ambassadors, and we hope to make Hamilton a more welcoming environment by creating a legacy of kindness for future Hamilton students.

What Do Student Ambassadors Do?

There are around 50 students involved in Student Ambassadors at the moment. Their primary job is to welcome new students who come to Hamilton. Before this year, there was no structure in place for transfer students. New students would have to figure out the school and social circles for themselves, which we imagined to be a difficult transition in such a huge school.

This year, each new student who desired to take part in the program was paired with two student ambassadors who showed them around and walked their schedule the day before school started. Also, the student ambassador walked the new student to their classes on the first day of school. Once the new student gets a feel for the school, the student ambassador's job is complete. 

Additionally, all new students received a Hamilton gift bag thanks to the help of the Charger Corner. The gift included a t-shirt, water bottle, Hamilton sticker, and handwritten note welcoming them to Hamilton.

All the ambassadors (paired with a student or not) did a wonderful job the first week of school. According to Mrs. Sarah Kowalske, "It was a wonderful resource to the teachers to be able to direct freshmen students who were lost or uncertain to an upperclassman wearing a white Ambassador shirt. On the first day of school, the Ambassadors were so helpful and kind in helping students find their classrooms.  Out of all the years I've taught at Hamilton, this was the smoothest first day I've had here thanks in part to Student Ambassadors."  

Ambassadors are to be looked to as a resource if students are ever struggling socially, whether that be in the hallways, classrooms, or lunchroom. Ella Schumacher, a sophomore, was able to contribute to the program’s mission on the first day of school. She says,“I gave a tour of the school to two students the day before school, and I helped out someone who needed it on the first day of school too. This student didn’t have anyone to sit with at lunch, and since we had the same lunch hour I invited him to sit with me. I’m so glad I was able to help him out until he found other people to sit with!” 

Many other ambassadors share similar stories of being able to help out those that need it during the school day. It is a big responsibility, but our students took on the challenge with courage and we are extremely proud of how smoothly things went this year.

How Was Student Ambassadors Developed?

Student Ambassadors is still an evolving program, as this year was the very first. Through trial and error, we worked out a system that best fits our school specifically. Believe it or not, Student Ambassadors started out as merely a project for our AP Language class, but it grew into so much more than that. 

We first pitched our idea to Mrs. Hasbrook, the now-advisor of Student Ambassadors. After she was on board, we worked on recruiting students. In order to best reach students quickly that would be good for this program, we asked teachers for student nominations. Each nominated student was invited to an informational meeting last year about the program, and each student that came wanted to be a part of it. 

We are starting off with eager students who are devoted to this program’s success, which we are so grateful for. The success of this club is something that Mrs. Hasbrook is also invested in, mentioning, “Students and staff recognize the importance of this program and are excited to have it at Hamilton. This is such an amazing program that we will be able to use for years to come.” The process of shaping a Student Leadership Team to take over the club after the three of us graduate is underway, so hopefully Student Ambassadors will continue long after we leave.

The three creators of Student Ambassadors pose on the first day of school wearing the white shirts they designed to identify peer Ambassadors. Photo submitted by Sarah Kidd

How Can I Join Student Ambassadors?

Right now, we are still working out details on how next year will look. Whether Student Ambassadors will continue as a nomination program or as an application remains to be seen. However, as soon as that information is figured out we will let the student body know! We are so excited to see the continued growth of this program, and are thrilled to make a difference in the Hamilton community. 

Program creators Kate Powell, Sarah Kidd, and Kayla Olson prepare to present the focus of Student Ambassadors to a group of students nominated to serve as ambassadors for the 2021-22 school year. Photo submitted by Sarah Kidd

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