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Hamilton Drama presents, Pippin!

Hamilton Drama presents, Pippin!

Photos submitted by Kendall Syslack

Kendall Syslack

This weekend, the Hamilton Drama Society will be performing Pippin! The cast and crew have been working on the musical since February, diving into its unique plot and characters. 

Pippin tells the story of a young boy named Pippin (senior Luke Wenger) as he finds a purpose in life. As he goes about his journey, a troupe of players, played by freshmen to senior students, allow him to embark on a series of adventures. Pippin tries many different activities, such as war, romance, artistry, and common work in order to find fulfillment in his life. The entire story is told under the big top, led by the Leading Player (senior Ava Lally). Acrobatics, fire, ribbons, feathers, and fortune telling all ensue in this spectacle of a musical! 

Many of the cast members have enjoyed bringing this special show to the Hamilton stage. Junior Jill Arthur, playing the role of Catherine, says, “There are a lot of show-stopping acts, and the group bringing the show to life is so talented. It has been very cool to see the show come together.” 

Junior Cash Campbell, playing the role of Lewis, says, “This show has given me many opportunities to improve my physicality and relationships with others, as the show encapsulates many aspects of family connections that are interesting to portray with my castmates.”

The show has a very talented pit of instruments that brings the music to life. Senior Jack Walker who plays the bass guitar says, “The music is very jazzy and spontaneous, and every instrument brings a different spark to the show.”  

Due to some mature content, the show is recommended for ages 15 and up. The show will be performed this weekend, Friday at 7, Saturday at 7, and Sunday at 2 in the Hamilton Fine Arts Center. Come out and support the Hamilton students who have worked so hard to bring this extravagant show to life!

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