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Dressed for Distress: Hamilton’s Clothing Dilemma

Dressed for Distress: Hamilton’s Clothing Dilemma

Picture from Pexels by EVG Kowalievska

Brooke Ulrich

Clothing will always be a hot topic, especially at Hamilton High School, where there is prejudice waltzing the halls. Clothing is the glue that holds cultures together, but when just one person is divergent, they often encounter some sticky situations. While there are ways around this, it's still important to stay true to yourself and speak up when something happens. Don't let issues like these be swept under the rug. 

It's easy to say that you have felt some sort of disheartened feeling about what you're wearing. All it takes is a stare in the hall or a snicker as someone passes to put an end to your good mood. Most at Hamilton have felt this way, reports a short survey taken among select students. Out of those participating, a majority agreed that they get the most negative feedback on their appearance at school, as compared to other public spaces. Some students even report being barked at, yes, like dogs, pushed around, having shoes stepped on, and other such microaggressions in the halls. These people who single out and make fun of their peers are especially harmful to fellow freshmen, who may feel like their whole career in school will be a pain. This could keep people from creating the drive to achieve their fullest potential. This isn't limited to the classroom and extracurriculars, but to their own social lives as well. When one person spoils your day, it's easy to do the same and create a flow of negativity for each other. 

When one apple is bad, it's easy to say the whole batch is rotten, too. The assumption is present in many schools where instead of addressing individuals, they have chosen to combat appearance-based bullying by punishing the entirety of the student body. Schools have been enforcing stricter dress codes and are even considering requiring uniforms in an attempt to curb negative behaviors. Although this may seem like a good idea to some, there are many that think otherwise. A school located in Nevada held a poll that revealed, “90% of the students did not enjoy wearing uniforms.” Allowing students to dress freely, as long as the outfits are not too revealing or promote something negative, can provide a lot of students with the confidence they need to live healthy, happy, and successful lives.

As the hit band Smash Mouth said: “You don't have to move to groove,” In other words, don't let others taint your style. It's common to feel like it's your job to conform, but we won't all have the same style or want to wear the same clothes. Why not give that new makeup trend you saw a shot? Who cares if it's not what you usually wear? Clothing, makeup, hair, and more are just little ways to express who you are on the inside. Who are you meant to be if you just copy the person next to you? Be YOU! Be BOLD! Be the you that your younger self would look up to. Don't let the sun sink before you get your golden hour.  We are the future, this is our time to shine. Go out and make those lasting impressions!

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