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Custodian Appreciation: We Could Never Thank Them Enough

Custodian Appreciation: We Could Never Thank Them Enough

Photo from Pexels by George Dolgikh

Jasleen Kaur

Hamilton High School is consistently commented on as one of the cleanest schools in comparison to many others in Wisconsin by Hamilton staff, students, and parents alike. The Hamilton custodial staff works nonstop to make sure that all that enter this school are greeted by shining floors, vacuumed mats, and gleaming windows. Many are unaware of these behind-the-scenes efforts that hold this school together. When students and teachers have days off, our school’s custodians still come in and clean the school to ensure that not a speck of dust is spotted. Annually, October 2nd is celebrated as “National Custodian Day,” honoring the hard work and dedication of custodians across the country. 

In celebration of this day, Hamilton staff express their gratitude for our custodians:

“I'm so thankful for all the work the custodians do to keep the building and my classroom neat - they always make sure the floors are clean and the pencil sharpeners empty.  Each custodian always greets me with a smile when I see them in the hall which always brightens my day.  They keep the school running and I'm so grateful for all they do.” -Mrs. King

“Coming into school in the morning with a clean classroom really helps students and I start the day and learn together. Great thanks to the custodial staff for keeping our school a clean place to learn!” -Ms. Marklund

“The custodians are efficient! If something happens during the day, it is quickly taken care of. This takes one thing off the teacher's plate during a busy day. Coming to school in the morning with a fresh clean room is important. It starts us off on the right foot! We know they also do this during a time of day when most of us are home with our friends and we appreciate the flexibility of their schedules.” -Ms. Maxwell

“The custodial staff at Hamilton consistently does an excellent job keeping our halls, classrooms, gyms, bathrooms, and cafeteria clean and safe. Their hard work helps create the positive learning environment we cherish at Hamilton.” -Mr. Tennessen

“On more than one occasion, custodians have saved me when I’ve forgotten my keys or had things break down in my classroom.  They always seem to drop everything and graciously offer their help.  Many of our students have had custodians help them retrieve forgotten items in classrooms.  Having worked in three other districts and visited a number of other schools through forensics coaching, I can confidently say that Hamilton is by far the cleanest and best kept school, all thanks to our custodians.” -Mrs. Kowalske

“Our custodians are amazing. Whenever I need their help they come almost instantly and never get irritated with my requests. Our school could not run without them.” -Señora Feudner

“I really appreciate the custodians here. They are so underappreciated. They maintain this entire building. They don't just take out the trash and sweep the floors. And the reason they are underappreciated is that most of their work is unseen. They do all their work after we have done ours.” -Mr. Fagan

“We would be LOST without Hamilton's custodians!  Without their support classrooms would be beyond messy.  As they have time, they not only sweep and empty trash cans, but they also disinfect places and clean desks after school.  During the day, they are ever so ready to wipe up items that spill, salt and shovel sidewalks, and tend to ever changing situations.  Their services go unheralded, but they are noticed and appreciated.” -PK

Our schools would not be able to operate without our amazing custodial staff! When I was in the classroom, they would drop whatever they were doing to clean up a spill or change a lightbulb. From delivering packages to meticulously cleaning each locker and classroom in the summer, they do all the behind the scenes work that help to make Hamilton an amazing district to be part of. THANK YOU to our custodial staff!” -Mrs. Drago

“The custodians in the district do a tremendous job of creating a safe, clean and organized environment for our students.  I greatly appreciate how responsive and helpful they are on a daily basis.  We are fortunate to have such a caring and dedicated staff.” -Dr. Mielke

We can never express our gratitude enough to these hard workers, but a simple thank you is a great way to start. Clean up after yourselves in the halls, at lunch, in the classroom, and even outside; small actions of appreciation go a long way. Today I would like to say, on the behalf of all of Hamilton High School: thank you to our custodians for tirelessly working to keep our environment clean; you deserve all the appreciation in the world. 

Thank you so much:


Daniel Diedrick

Michel Lee

Sarah Marsh

Michael Murphy

Andrew Redding

Kevin Richards

Judith Savana

John Schaeffler

David TenBroeke

Brian Versh

Kevin Becker


Patrick Curtis

Michael Figueroa

Tammara Metzenhein

Jeffrey Pringle

Julie Rossi

Karl Siehs

Pawel Skrzypek

Silver Spring

Lorie Block

James Johnson

Nathan Klafke

Pamela Kurth

Jesenia Mendez

Joseph Schaeffler

Monica Spanton


Marissa Bresson

Cody Curtis

Aaron Dow

Carol Gruett


Debbi Curtis

Timothy Ferschi

Douglas Higley


Hunter Dow

Warren Fisher

Keith Griebler


Jeff Jones

Lester Nettesheim

Sean O’Dwyer

Teri Zeller

Willow Springs

Andrea Diedrick

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