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April’s Teacher Feature: Mr. Heckman

April’s Teacher Feature: Mr. Heckman

Photo from Mr. Heckman.

Grace Strelow

This month’s Teacher Feature goes to Mr. Dan Heckman. He has been teaching at Hamilton for 30 years and graduated from Bethel University, St. Paul. When Heckman isn’t teaching he coaches boys and girls varsity golf.

Ms. Lauren Ullmann, a fellow golf coach and teacher at Hamilton states, “Mr. Heckman possesses so many amazing qualities. Mr. Heckman and I went way back to the Fall semester of 2013 where he had the honor of having me in his 1st block Global Issues class. Fast forward a few years, he couldn't get rid of me and now he has the honor of coaching Girl's Golf with me. I am grateful for the opportunity to coach alongside the #1 high school golf coach in the country and one day I hope to be half the coach he is today." 

Heckman teaches in the Social Studies Department, and has definitely proven that he is a staple here, not only through his students but by his department members and other teachers at Hamilton. Mr. Nick Roth, a Social Studies teacher says, “Is he the smartest Social Studies member? Not by half. Is he the best looking? Maybe a few decades ago when he was Homecoming King at Hamilton. Is he a nice guy? Sometimes, but he can get sort of huffy puffy if he doesn't have his coffee. Is he the best athlete? Well, Mr. Johnson has his number on the golf course, so not really. What we do know for sure, though, is that he's a staple at Hamilton. If you have a chance to take a class that he teaches, take it. He's the team's crafty veteran that still has a few moves left in his bag of tricks. Where can you find him? Lounging in his penthouse, looking at Lake Hamilton with a whimsical look in his eyes. It wouldn't surprise me if we saw him lounging in a floatie out there one day..."

Read on to hear more from Heckman:

What would you rather do: meet your future self, or go back in time and talk with your past self? Why?  

Definitely go back in time and ask myself, “What were you thinking?”

What is the best book you’ve ever read? 

To many of them but here’s one: Where Men Win Glory–John Krakaur

What’s your favorite place on earth? Why?  

Door County, WI.  Golf, water, and great food.

Could you see yourself as a middle school or elementary teacher?  

Never! Middle school and elementary teachers are Saints.

What is the best advice you have received?  
Be yourself, don’t try to be someone else.

What do you hope never changes? Why? 

The energy that engaged students give me.  Nothing better than having good conversations with students on the topics of the day.

Describe yourself in one sentence.   

I'm a lot like Santa Claus, Old, Fat, Happy and often wears a red sweater.

What is your favorite part of your classroom?  

Being engaged with students.

What is your favorite TV show? Movie? Why?
Yellowstone.  I wish I could be as tough as a Montana rancher.

How have your previous teachers shaped your teaching style?
The good ones: I have learned from and adopted and tailor their methods into my teaching style.  The bad ones: ignore what they do.

If you could get rid of anything, what would it be? 
Mr. Gosz and the announcements that interrupt class.

What restaurant is your absolute favorite? Why? 
The Pub at Blackstone Creek.  The “Sink” is the best.

If you could meet anyone in history who would be and why? 
Winston Churchill for so many reasons.  Great leader, rebounded after his failures, and had a way with words.  Enjoyed a good bourbon and cigars.

What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to? Why?  

What does Mr. Gosz do all day?  Everybody at HHS wants to know that!

What is your second favorite subject? (besides the one you are teaching now) 
Comm Arts.  I really enjoy reading.

What’s your favorite food?
Steak/Chicken Wings

What’s a surprising fact about you that students don’t know? 
Won the AT&T long distance shootout at the Bradley Center in 1992.

What’s the funniest or most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you as a teacher? 
Too many to remember. Usually they occur on a daily basis.

What is the weirdest thing you have done to get your students attention?
Stood on my desk.

What is your favorite thing to do on summer vacation? Why?
Golf in the morning and pool in the afternoon and a good dinner at night.

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