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A Letter to My Teachers

A Letter to My Teachers

Photo from Emily Post.

Shannon O’Dwyer

This is my last article  for the Charger Press, a real end of an era. Since it is one of the many endings that I will face with graduation, I figure why not address it to the people who actually read my articles (considering Kowlaske blasts them out to the entire staff). 

One of the largest lessons that I have learned throughout 13 years of schooling is that the impact of teachers in a kid's life can never be too large. Teachers have the hardest job in the entire world: shaping the lives of several generations through encouragement, tough love, and guidance, among a multitude of other lessons. If a student claims that they have not had a single teacher who impacted their life, I believe it is simply because they refused to let them in. It is the teachers that persevere in attempts to make connections with their students despite encountering some who refuse to open up that truly make an impact.

Teachers are people who push students past their limits, and the best teachers are those who take the time in understanding and connecting with all of their students. They learn the individuality of each student and what each student needs to be successful, whatever success may look like for the student. They do not condemn a student's potential downfalls, but instead rebuild and revise in attempts to help. They make learning fun and exciting, which can make classes fly by. They learn to adapt and they aid their students adapt as well. 

I hope that this inspired anyone reading to thank your teachers, whoever they are or wherever they come from. A teacher is not someone confined to a classroom setting. They can be anyone who you trust, who believes in you, who drives you to achieve whatever you set your mind to. I cannot stress this enough: thank them. Thank them from the bottom of your heart and let them know that they have impacted your life in a positive way. It is not often post-school that you find people so willing to be so selfless for so many people without expecting anything in return. They deserve the utmost respect and honor for their work.

I myself have encountered teachers who brought me out of my shell, who told me it’s okay to fail as long as I pick myself back up. If I were to thank all of my teachers in this article, I would run out of words; and the article would be 30 pages long. Although these messages are meant for specific teachers, lessons that I have learned do not end with just them. Every single teacher I have had has taught me something beyond just a course or a semester's worth of homework. I do have a few special thank yous in particular, however. 

Mr. Brezenski: 

Thank you for inspiring me to bring joy and laughter into my life. You reminded me that I am totally awesome despite what some bullies may say. You never failed to excite me with one of your tell-tale stories about scorpions in your shoes or your adventures. When I think of my childhood, I think of you. I think of my nicknames that you gave me (Shannon Jr., Beefstick, etc.), I think of projects you’d make us do and then forget about grading entirely, I think about your high fives and how I had beef with Mr. Hunkins because I liked you more. Thank you for giving me that. Thank you for all of the core memories and for being one of the reasons that I’m proud to be “Shannon From Lannon.” 

Mr. Beck: 

Hey what’s up? You were one of the first teachers that felt less like a teacher and more like an annoying uncle, but a loveable one. Before you, I had never known that I loved science so much. You were the first teacher I ever talked back to that did not care and actually joked back (I loved that). Remember that time that you shoved a cupcake up my nose? I will never get over that. In all seriousness, I appreciate how you pushed me to be better and you made class fun for me. You knew that was just the type of student and person that I was, and you knew what I needed in order to achieve success. Thank you for making class fun, thank you for joking around, thank you for pushing me to be the best student that I could be. I really wish that I could have been your TA this past year, but nonetheless, you will always be one of my favorite teachers ever. 

Mrs. Koppleman: 

Thank you for being the first teacher to lend an ear when I needed it. You genuinely helped me out of any problem that I faced during my first couple years of high school. I never understood how you always knew exactly what to say and that you continued to listen to me as I grew up. Not once did I feel like you didn’t understand that I was growing up; it felt as though you grew with me. You have truly been like a second mom to me when I needed outside guidance and I cannot thank you enough for that. I promise that I will come and visit and keep you updated on all of the twists and turns that my life entails (please keep me in the loop about your life as well). 

Ms. Strelow:

You are probably one of the coolest teachers that I have ever had. You make me laugh almost daily, and you have an amazing taste in music if I do say so myself. You have inspired me to eventually move as far away from this town as I can get, to explore and see everything that I have ever wanted to see. I am amazed at how easy it was for you to understand what kind of a person I am and what sorts of things I should do in order to increase my happiness. Thank you for broadening my horizons and for encouraging me to stay true to myself. You understand what I am capable of and encourage me to chase it, despite the presented obstacles. Thank you for challenging me, and for making my morning the best part of every day of my senior year.


I’ll keep this short and sweet because there are obviously so many things that I can say to you but will not fit in. Thank you for being my twin, and for figuring out that I was a soprano before I knew it. You were right. You have inspired me to grow in ways that I didn't know were possible, both as a performer and as a person. You encouraged me to play to my strengths, but to also think outside of the box and experiment. You also introduced me to musicals and choral music that I fell in love with (Jason Robert Brown and Sherie Reneé Scott plug). Thank you for being my friend and mentor. I can never thank you enough for all that you have done for me and all that you will continue to do for me. You have truly become one of the most impactful people in my life; please do not forget that your former students love you just as much as you love them, and maybe even more so. After all, there are hundreds of us, and only one of you. Thank you, Spiess <3.


We have been through a lot. Obviously, I will not be able to fit all of that in a very public letter. But what I will say is thank you for everything. Thank you for letting me have my faults and for accepting them. Thank you for listening whenever I need you, and for helping me see new perspectives or things that I can overlook. Thank you for believing in me and my abilities, even when I doubted them. Thank you for being proud of me while still helping me grow. I know these words will never be enough, but thank you for not letting me quit on you.

Finally, I have one very special thank you for one teacher.

Mrs. Kowalske: 

In the past two years you have been one of the most impactful and important people in my life. I know it might sound lame and weird to call you my friend (because we both know how you feel about students treating you like a friend) but I cannot think of a more fitting description. You, for some inexplicable reason, listen to all of my main character moments (lol) and genuinely strange life occurrences. You never fail to make me laugh at something completely ridiculous until I can barely breathe. I could list all of the times we have nearly cried laughing, or all of the little things that you poke fun at me for, but that would take forever. I appreciate all of the times that you have gotten mad with me over silly things, or serious ones. Thank you for believing in me and telling me that no matter where my future takes me, that I am capable of achieving success. Thank you for your constant candor and sincerity when it comes to encouraging me. You never fail to tell me exactly what I need to hear, without sugar coating or failing to keep me honest with myself. I thank you for seeing all sides of me and for valuing what you say makes me unique, especially when it comes to my writing. You have shown me what I am capable of and you would never water-down a critique that is necessary in order for me to strengthen my abilities. You trust my judgment and my capabilities and I value that you treat me with respect. You have instilled in me self-discipline and have taught me how to seek the truth, which is something that has been vital to my journalism. Not only that, but you challenge me to better myself daily. Thank you for taking my side and for helping me through stressful times in my life. I can not thank you enough for everything that you have done for me, as a mentor, teacher, and as a friend. You are truly an inspiring teacher who cares so deeply and drives her students to excel and become better people. One paragraph will not do you justice, but know that of all the places you could have landed, I’m glad it was Hamilton. Thank you, Kwal.

Thank you to all of my teachers.


Shannon O’Dwyer

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